
joined 2 years ago
[–] radix 14 points 5 months ago

You mess with crabo, you get a stabo.

[–] radix 5 points 5 months ago

Having never heard of this before watching the video, I feel like I know even less about the game after watching.

[–] radix 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Stub your toe in the dark while fighting through the back pain when you have to pee at 4:00am. 47 here.

[–] radix 29 points 5 months ago

"Asshole ex-boyfriend 'heartbroken' over seeing his ex with someone new. 'I'll still take her back if she wants me.'"

[–] radix 10 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Any advice on step 1.5: getting the bad feelings out of my brain? Like with a knife or...?

[–] radix 40 points 5 months ago


I don't know if this is quite the correct trope, but it's close, at least. It's common in any kid/teen story that the adults are complete screw-ups, and it's up to the brave child heroes to do anything about it. I always think of it as the Goonies plot (my first obvious exposure to the trope) but I'm sure it goes back way further than that.

[–] radix 15 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Sub Commander? Is Starfleet in charge of operating submarines on water planets?

[–] radix 7 points 5 months ago

Rimworld takes place in the Cars universe. The people left Earth when the tanks became self-aware.

[–] radix 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

(Paraphrasing an old comment from the Bad Site)

"Make America Great" would be a fine, if bland slogan. Everybody wants that. It's not controversial, but also not distinctive in any way.

"Make America Greater than Ever" would be better. The implication being that we can do better, and be better. But they intentionally went with something else.

It seems to me, and as you have identified, that the "Again" is the key part of the phrase that drives the whole narrative. Here's the kicker: by nearly every objective measure, the country is safer, richer, more equal, and has a better overall quality of life today than at any point in history[1]. The only thing that has significantly declined over the last 40-50 years is "the percentage of total societal influence held by straight white men."

"Again" is the dog-whistle of misogyny, racism, and homophobia, wrapped up in the plausible deniability of nostalgia for an objectively worse time.

[1] There may be some room for disagreements here, primarily because of the first Trump administration and the pandemic years causing some backsliding, but this was especially true in 2016 when the slogan first really appeared, which is when it should be judged.

[–] radix 5 points 5 months ago

The best investments in maintenance - whether infrastructure, IT, whatever - is the one the next generation can make fun of. That means it worked.

[–] radix 5 points 5 months ago

IIRC, there was a bug in the race car (F1? Indy?) where if you max out the speed, it would get stuck at that speed no matter what. Then you could take it off any ramp and jump most of the way across the map. Just messing around with the map editor and that car wasted so many weekends for me.

[–] radix 20 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Depends what you were expecting. Cold coffee and warm soda are the same temperature.

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