Not looking for smut to read, just looking to see how often open tries actually happen.
I would like to explain that I'm not looking for dirty stories and such. I have been exploring the more extreme tropes in porn to see if they happen IRL or not. Probably should have explained better, but there it is. There are some ideas used that are rather extreme, and I start wondering how much it actually happens.
More than two people in bed.
I'm going back to video games that had multiplayer before we had network connectivity. If I wanted to play against a friend, we would have to get together in person and hang out. Game was done, you had a friend over for dinner. Or just a friend to come over and help you with the game. I miss when games were actual social events.
Thank you for your service and here are your awards and medals. Your family will thank you even more when you die and they hawk your medals at my pawn shop for a few extra bucks of inheritance.
My father in law used to run flea markets on the side. Used to say that in the service he worked hard as hell and never got a medal of honor, but working the flea markets he had a jar full of them. Nobody gives a shit about service.
Bread sandwich.
But not of SCP. It's Mage the Ascension
I have a job. It's technical, requires a fair amount of skills and abilities, yet I cannot cover a $200 emergency after bills and rent. Rent has jumped from $600 a month to $950 in less than four years, and the internet I need for my job has doubled in two years. Of the rent increases? Most of them were in the past year.
Thank you. That was a really good explanation. I don't know much about the way this shit works, and I probably would have tried what the original post suggests if I had that kind of money.
So let's say I have the $3m and buy the bond. Will I have a monthly return and for how much?
So I watched the video and watched as the guy was handed the hammer with the guitar. Was the auction a chance to destroy the guitar or just the guitar? Cause it looks like the former and the media is just reporting what will piss people off.
I had a friend who tried the same thing, bars and such. He didn't try anybody in his friend group and he was more ir less isolated at work, so there was no real pool of people to look into. I suggested getting a cheap seat at the ballpark and he balked saying he didn't like sports. I told him even if he walked the concourse, there were still folks he could interact with. He ended up finding some girl who was an actual prostitute and got him hooked on drugs.