This is some seriously dangerous unhinged shit. Completely insane I wish it were easier to combat tall tales like this.
Yes but mostly when I'm overwhelmed with how much actual stuff I have to or want to do but can't get myself to simply DO so I start cleaning one small area and then it turns into a whole project
Found this way back as a teenager and obsessively listened over and over. Still hits
Not from aus but I love this channel. He collabs with boy boy and I did a thing who are also really great YouTubers
This goes so hard
My friend tried to get me to do this and I've tried so many times and failed to get it to work every single time. I'd do it for like a day or two if that and start to continue tasks past the timer or not start a different task and everything just unravels from there
One of my fav games haha
So ridic hahah
It's ok. I'm glad it's a thing that exists and hope it will get better with time but as it is now it's very bare bones. I don't remember how long it took to get my email I know I signed up a while back though when I first saw signups available. Even if it's not that great now I think FOSS alternatives to big apps and software are always a good thing.
WhY iS eVeRyThInG pOlItIcAl NoW
How is zen compared to librewolf?
This is the correct way to do it. We're all in the same boat no matter what choices we made that brought us here. If we keep up with the petty I told you so's or doing things out of spite of others choices were going to stay falling down this nightmare path. A lot of people make bad choices but not everyone is doing it cause they are a terrible person.