There’s some pervious asphalt at my office that has over 10 years of fines in it and infiltrates <1”/hr. If you hit it with a vacuum it quickly clears to >50”/hr.
joined 1 year ago
Replace ICE with EV.
Replace car subsidies with multimodal infrastructure funding.
Thoughts on Vivaldi?
Most non-profits are not financially sustainable and rely on donations and grants to operate. If the service they provided could be financially sustainable, a for-profit would popup and operate in that space.
But I agree that non-profits can and should find fee-for-service opportunities and generate revenue to reduce their reliance on gifts.
The suicide part…
Doge really should be pronounced doggy.
pull a Hitler
Like, the last part…right?
“ThErEs an EnRGy EmergEnCy!
Also, no more wind power please.”
How does being in prison prohibit moving around assets?
Soon to be trillionaires…
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