
joined 2 years ago
[–] popemichael 15 points 2 years ago

The first "A" in ACAB stands for ALL.

Yes even that one cop. Yes, even your uncle.

There can be no good cops while they allow bad cops to exist.

If you ever get detained by cops:

  1. "I am exercising my right to remain silent."

  2. "I am exercising my right to speak with a lawyer."

  3. SHUT UP (Don't say shut up. Actually shut up)

Always remember:

You can never talk yourself OUT of trouble. You can only talk yourself INTO trouble!

[–] popemichael 2 points 2 years ago

I run a digital currency investment group.

I can make 10-15k per day, so it's not a lot in the grand scheme of things

[–] popemichael 1 points 2 years ago

I do the caffeine powder myself. They sell the pure stuff in tablets on Amazon.

It's a lot easier on my stomach AND I know what I'm getting.

With energy drinks, it may as well be coked up alchemy

I know this may sound bad but meth users also do the caffeine powder to ween themselves off or when there is no supply according to a darknet forum I frequent.

[–] popemichael 23 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Most government sites from NY also keep business hours

I asked my family's lawyer about it and he said that the time open and closed is a law. So they have to "close down" certain sites at certain times to comply with those laws

[–] popemichael 45 points 2 years ago (19 children)

For the companies who want a huge advantage over others, $100 is nothing in an advertising budget.

I have a small business and I do $1000 a week in advertising.

[–] popemichael 61 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Back when I managed a Blockbuster Video, most stores ran at a loss thanks to theft.

The real reason most stores failed wasn't because DVDs were going out. It was because we couldn't stem the flow of money out the door thanks to thieves.

[–] popemichael 2 points 2 years ago

Windows 11 is my newest "main" computer. I also just got a nice Win 11 laptop for my new business.

Though my "working" IT laptop boots with both Windows 10 and Ubuntu.

[–] popemichael 151 points 2 years ago

Two people in this world that you should never get an IOU from: Trump and Musk.

They just don't pay their bills. It's not worth the effort.

[–] popemichael 90 points 2 years ago (24 children)

You can buy 700 votes anonymously on reddit for really cheap

I don't see that it's a big deal, really. It's the same as it ever was.

[–] popemichael 1 points 2 years ago

Yeah, but it's easier and more reliable in some cases.

For example, every three months I have to go through a renewal process to get my diabetes medicine with my insurance. That's up to a week without my life saving medicine.

If I were to get it on the darknet, I'd add years to my life since I don't have to wait weeks to get the proper medicine.

[–] popemichael 3 points 2 years ago

That's not true. There's a difference between addiction and dependence medically.

You don't say that a person on insulin is an addict. You don't say that a person on heart medicine is an addict. We shouldn't say that a person on opiates are addicts.

Addicts take the medicine without a medical need. Dependent people need to take the medicine in order to live a normal life.

[–] popemichael 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

A lot of people are turning to the dark web to get just basic medicine because it's such a headache to get the medicine that they need. It's WAY cheaper too.

It's sad that people have to resort to that, but it's better than suffering.

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