How is this the warehouse's fault?! They have a sign!! This is demonstrably 100% Google's fault for not knowing the numbering system inside a private industrial park and how it maps to exact GPS coordinates. This should work infallibly every time and require absolutely no correction from the business owner or user feedback.
(/s in case that wasn't abundantly obvious)
Am I taking crazy pills? Apple Maps is first of all (from my experience) orders of magnitude less reliable, and second of all has worthless recommendations and business ratings.
The photo of the woman wearing VR goggles with a shit-eating grin on her face while supposedly having a conversation with somebody really speaks volumes about how Apple envisions us to interact with one another in 2024. Good grief, I abhor absolutely everything about this.
Except this is in Hungary?
Tesla has a QA team?!
Sure, layoffs suck for anybody, but I'd be curious to know why you care about execs. Unless, of course, you had meant to use the expression "couldn't care less."
Ah, so this is effectively identical to Apple's approach to repairability.
~~This community encourages such incredible depth and discourse. Keep it up, folks!~~
Edit: whoops, posted this on the wrong community. Yay, piracy!
Gee, I wonder why people don't want to live next to a highway interchange.
What is unlicensed work? Copyrighted content will not have a licence agreement but this doesn't mean you can freely infringe on copyright law.