no, there wasn't
how did you got so many upgrades?
but oh wait, i have never saw any slime dropping a potion of toxic gas, all they drop is axes and nor did i had any ring or some lucky enchantment, hmmm
ah, that sounds likely, thanks for explanation
ah, that sounds great, cool qol changes you are bringing then, looking forward to them :)
just a random question but it won't be like this for unidentified items right? like you won't show the change in weight, damage etc if the item is unidentified right?
btw evan i saw that there is a "files" directory in /sdcard/Android/data/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon but is empty compared to /data/data/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon is that on purpose? also cheating is still pretty easy(by modifying game.dat) if that is what you are trying to prevent this build, since google play games doesn't work with it, google play games won't restore the data but the gplay build will restore data
install the android build from github it won't restore your data but make sure if something ever causes that data to be erased it will be gone forever
google play games restore the game data automatically
ring of arcane +3 + corrupting greatsword +3
hmm, good idea but i just don't like the idea of calling the weapon abilities "guaranteed to hit" when they aren't