I have a stupidly beefy pc (flight sims lets go) and honestly in the 4 hours I played, straight fantastic. Haven’t seen any bugs yet, only performance issues I have are exiting the pause menu causes micro stutters that go away within a second. Over all, I’m loving the game
Don’t give me any ideas (you’re lucky I don’t like the smell of windex lol)
Got to play it for a bit, got my PPL in career mode and did one of the first flight missions. It was fun! Wanted to do a free flight in a helicopter and it crashed to desktop and now I’m back in the queue. Over all, as someone that mainly flies in DCS, I like it. Msfs20 got boring for me fairly quickly but with the missions and progression I like ‘24 so far, feel like it’s just the thing I’ll crave when I want a relaxed experience flying. Just wish the servers were less crappy right now lol
Oh I’m aware, I’ve been brewing beer for 8 years or so, the pasteurization is just something I wanna try for fun lol
It depends! If your yeast is at its max alcohol tolerance you should be able to just use sugar without anything. If it’s not, just like a beer it will referment. As someone that hasn’t done many wines (unless I turn them into brandy Ala half my posts on this community), you can use different stabilizing chemicals before back sweetening (they’ll also work on beer too). Personally I’ve wanted to try very low temp pasteurization on beers or wines I make for my significant other to try back sweetening, any method should work! (Though personally I tend to kill off my yeast with high abvs since I primarily distill these days)
Good question! Those are actually raisins. I’ve done some more reading and see they don’t add a lot of nutrients so I was going to leave them out, but I did have a fair bit left over so figured I’d toss them in
Got it, that makes sense here’s to hoping it turns out well! And ooh, that sounds like a fantastic time, enjoy your trip through Europe :)
Oooh that sounds like it’ll be a blast! A jam moonshine sounds like it would be interesting, and the pickled one sounds just weird enough that I’ll have to add it to my list. Did you get anything in particular that you’re most excited to try?
It turned out not too bad off the still! Early hearts and heads had a nice blue razz flavor, tail ends tasted just like a sugar wash. I’m curious to see how the flavors change once I cover it in cloth and let it air out for 24 hours then blend and proof it down but so far, much better than some of my past endeavors lol
After KSP2 I promised myself I would never do Early Access or preorder again. However, I made an exception for this. Love the stalker series and I’ve both preordered it and took the entire week off of work. You can say I’m definitely hyped lol
This might be the single most hilarious “you’d be fucked” statement I ever heard and I’m definitely stealing it for future use lmao
I was going to do a lemon wine and now I might do orange brandy as well just to give it a shot lol