If it’s a band one thing you can check is if the build plate is sufficiently torqued down. I spent ages chasing down a weird z issue, to the point where I converted my ender 3 z axis to being belt driven, and would still get really weird bands at certain heights. Turns out the bed was ever so slightly loose and at certain z heights would go into a tiny resonance frequency causing bands in the z axis. I’m not too familiar with the a1, but it’s a possibility that no matter what I researched I never saw mentioned
Usually I don’t boil fruits or anything. I did with my lemon wine (it turned it a dark brown color) because I had a gallon too much water in my must. so I boiled the oranges for a few minutes for consistency with my other citrus one. I’ll probably remake the orange brandy without boiling, depending on how the distillation goes.
One way to find out how it turns out! I’m usually big into trying terrible ideas (mmm flamin hot Cheeto fermentation) but sadly grapefruit is one of those flavors I can’t get behind no matter how many times I try lol
Shit that makes sense, been a hot minute since I watched the series lol
Eh if it works it works lol
I’m looking forward to trying it out! Already bought the 16 pounds of mandarins to do the test run for my next batch!
Yeah I’ve heard that too, tho frankly I’m too lazy to zest 50 oranges and peel them so once the mandolin comes in they’re getting sliced up and fermented lol
We shall find out that’s for sure. The distillation I imagine will clean things up quite nicely if it doesn’t go well (basically making essential oils and liquor at once) I’ll definitely post the results of this in (hopefully) two weeks!
Yep! 16 pounds of sugar plus 16 pounds of mandarins or so lol
Considering the lemon wine I started a few days ago is fermenting like crazy, probably not lol
Just letting you know I bought one with stands and a chain mail glove. Should be in tomorrow. Appreciate the recommendation!
Let me know if that helps! I hope so since it was a pain for me that nobody suggested. I got frustrated with that one enough that I got a p1s but still decided to tear down the entire enter and put it together to see if it fixed the issue (it did) so I could give it to my buddy