No need to link to bluesky
I believe she wasn’t lying when she said she forgot about the gun, she seems that stupid to me
The Substance was a wild ride
Perhaps we can think that advanced technology, alongside advanced communication, brought more centralized rule?
Yes but also no, earth kingdom had despot monarchies for so long kuvira had enough, only to become one herself
You’ll get arrested for wearing this in public but not denying health insurance claim to 900.000 people
Addition: his father is a founding member of a right wing party in Turkey
Bless fairphone’s intentions but isn’t it better to buy 2nd hand?
Intellectual - noun: a person possessing a highly developed intellect
I don’t think JD Vance makes the cut.
I’m not living in any Nordic country so I can’t speak for those, but this “migrants cause crime” argument exists in any developed country. There are a lot of articles debunking the claims. I like John Oliver’s debunking since it’s pretty easy to understand:
When any deep analysis is conducted, the arguments from racists simply don’t hold water. They offer simple, racist, and hateful explanations to very complex problems.
From another article from the same blog:
Given that Musk grew up in South Africa, he’s almost guaranteed to know about Black-White IQ gaps and crime rates
The author is deeply racist, just so you didn’t know. Anything they write, their whole blog, should be taken with huge amounts of salt. They also think
“No sane person would turn to violence!” is the message media will push then