This is a portulaca, you can tell by the little seed pods that develop after the flower petals wilt and drop off. They can change color depending on sunlight and how much water they’re getting. I would say the as long as they’re not shriveling they’re probably fine. This one may prefer the partial shade, and make sure the water can drain.
I’ve seen both. The first time, the colors changed as I was looking at it. That was freaky
In case you haven’t come back to the post, the story is by Robert Heinlein with the (almost) same title as the post.
This is a great one:
Add It Up by the Violent Femmes
He also wrote Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Taken all together, these three works and all the rest of his bibliography, saying he had an authoritarian streak is as valid as saying he had a hippie streak or a libertarian streak.
His writing asks questions, he doesn’t preach. Some of his characters preach, but that isn’t necessarily him speaking. It’s him asking questions and spurring discussion.
They probably look for edits after a certain amount of time has passed from the original comment or post. It wouldn’t matter how many edits you make after that initial time period. They’d just revert back to the one before the long time period, if it exists. That’s how I’d do it, anyway.
I heard it called that back around 1985.
I responded on the original post. It is a portulaca.