It doesn't matter because the only reason I even replied was because I didn't realize you were purposefully derailing the thread to push an agenda, and using OP and his serious, personal situation to do it.
You and your goons have said, all over the thread, the most vile, disgusting, anti-woman shit, because the truth is you condone rape and don't want to see other males suffer for it. It didn't occur to you that you could suffer such a thing and have no recourse. You clearly dismiss the extreme moral crime of expecting a victim's friend and potential victims to suffer under circumstances like that -- of course, everyone else in that place can just go find another job, right? Rapists have the right to work wherever they want but not good, normal people. The world revolves around you and your ilk, after all.
You're quite simply a rape apologist. There's no way around it. And so are the mods of this sub apparently.
You're not getting your way, that's why you keep talking. Every response you give has been nothing except the ignorant, petty, immature ramblings I've come to expect out of Lemmy. Saying and doing anything to try to win a confrontation instead of sitting down and thinking about what you and your opponent is saying, and that's why I say this is why Lemmy is a perfect sample of America and why therefore America needs to crash and burn.
And you do. And you likely will at the end of the year, and it'll be sad, so sad, but you have brought every single ounce of the consequences you've been building up onto yourselves.
It never occurs to you that your behavior is alienating people away from Democrats and convincing people to vote third party in this next election either, but you don't actually give a shit about the future of your country so of course you wouldn't. 🤷
Not my problem. It's all on you.
Then don't waste my time arguing with me trying to convince me to change my opinion of you, because until you change, and Lemmy itself changes, you're not going to get your way. It's as simple as that.
You're here doing nothing but criticizing the fact that I am arguing with you instead of thinking about what I said and realizing you simply misunderstood, so yes. You are a perfect example of that lowest common denominator.
You want my opinion to change? Delete your responses to me, apologize to me for wasting my time, and move on.