Let this be it? I'll change the title in case.
Personally, not. The reason I switched to Plasma is that I didn't like the basic layout – horizontal bar especially – and wanted a desktop environment that allowed me to customize positions and sizes of bars and so on as much as possible, but without having to install "tweaks".
Still baffles me why many desktop environments steal the screen's usually scarce vertical real estate with a horizontal bar, instead of putting it on the side...
I'll sure read the books too after this finale. I hope they're good!
Great that it's in the todo-list anyway. I usually use the Any2DjVu server for converting and OCR-ing documents in pdf format. The djvu file is typically 20% size of the original pdf, and the OCR is usually better too. I'll check on your project regularly for updates :)
I made you mod. I hope we'll have some subscribers – and most of all some useful and interesting content – soon.
PS: nice software your Paperwork. I hope in the future you'll add support for djvu format – most of my documents are in that format (it saves a lot of memory for scanned documents, compared to pdf).
Thank you for the unintended heads-up! I didn't know about the apt firefox packages installing the snap ones. I've now updated Firefox from their (unofficial?) ppa and it's superfast!
Great! I'll check how to make other people mods and add you. Were you moderating on Reddit?
Cheers. I plan to update the distribution version regularly, so I understand Pro is not of interest to me either.
I had the luck of watching the first season only very recently – weeks ago :)