Which lists?
If you host a system that uses the Google APIs, it seems to me that you don't get any privacy gain since being you the only one using it, Google knows it's you. I've been using startpage for a year now and I've been happy about it; I've never had to use Google anymore.
Right, I should probably map the file directly to the system log folder. I'll try that.
Be too, and I went back to the standalone community container
The ~~price rboem~~ problem is that the log file is inside the container in the www folder.
Edit: typo
The fact (IMHO) is that the logs shouldn't be there, in a persistent volume.
I use SMTP2GO (with my own domain) with the free plan (1000 email per month) that's way over a selfhoster needs.
I've read the article and I couldn't see any implication of Seagate. I'm not saying anything about your story, shame on Seagate, but I don't see what that has to do with the scandal in the article.
The entire point of selfhost is to host private services not available to the public
Probably your entire point, a lot of self hosters self host services that family members and friends can reach most of the time without the need of a VPN. This very community is full of examples.
It’s infinitely more secure
I'm with you about that.
There’s simply no room for an argument.
As stated in the other post, I'm sorry about that, I'm here to discuss and learn, if you don't have room for an argument, our discussion ends here.
VPN is objectively better in all possible situations.
Exactly! in all possible situation!!!
Only a hardware firewall would do this. If it’s software, like implied in your post, no traffic is filtered and all connections are accepted.
Talking abut netfilter, since it manages also the forwardning, it for some strange reason it should crash, NO IP traffic is flowing
VPN is the least amount of work for the most secure setup. There’s nothing to even argue, its superior in every way.
If there's nothing to even argue, then I say goodby to you since I'm here to discuss. All the best!
Well...if you edit your post after someone has replied to it at least specify what's you've edited and don't pretend that the answer that somebody else has already given you wasn't about your non edited post!
If you (my mistake) wrote VPS instead of VPN, you can't pretend that I've answered about VPN!
If you can convince your family member and your friends to use a VPN to use your service, that's good for you, and I mean it!
But saying that it's quite impossible to do that, I think that I'm speaking for 99% of the self hoster (is this correct in English? Bah, you got me!)
Well, if it's buy European how can open source fit in?