You know what just dawned on me
These guys essentially want sex dolls that can do chores. Sex dolls are way cheaper to take care of and they'll learn to do chores themselves hiding it from everyone else lol
You know what just dawned on me
These guys essentially want sex dolls that can do chores. Sex dolls are way cheaper to take care of and they'll learn to do chores themselves hiding it from everyone else lol
No, they won't. But then the men affected will complain to other single men, and those of us that agree with 4B can say "yeah, it sucks, but how many guys have you stood up to and said 'knock it off'".
I guarantee the number is small.
I say good for them. Go for it. Dating is too stressful for me anyway.
But I'm also a 30+ progressive with a son and ex so I also recognize that there are bigger fish to fry than getting laid.
It's a darn shame they know where they are grouping up. Would be even worse if Ukraine had weapons to strike that far into Russia without Russia being able to do jack shit about it.
At Ukraine's last kill count at 1500/day, if this was the only force they were fighting it would take 33 days to grind.
But if that level of human sacrifice is required by NK and Russia so be it I guess.
Does .223 defeat a plate carrier?
That almost sounds like you are blaming LBJ. Nixon was the one who caused the 1970 economic disaster that led to everything after. He ended the gold Standard and gave unfettered power to banks. Inflation was the goal as inflation directly benefitted real estate. The owner class became obscenely rich quickly, and it never stopped.
I remember having dreams. You guys remember those? Fun times.
Holy shit that's amazing. 3 bedrooms WITH a terrace?
AND you get free healthcare?
God you guys live like kings
Correct I'm a dude. And even then I could prove fault if I needed to.
It does make me wonder how shared custody would work though.
I'm attempting to get the divorce done before that occurs.
And I can prove fault if necessary I just really don't want to dig that shit up again. The memory of discovering the affair was bad enough.
And like the guy below said I'm a dude
Which Is so strange to me. If Trump gets his way with the dictatorships, if that threatened him that much, he could wipe Russia off the map. We already publicly know they have a paper army, and we know Russia never had nearly the number of nukes they claimed, how could anyone who becomes a dictator with the US military be afraid of anything but people close enough to him to kill him?
Asexuality doesn't have the desire for sex.
This is abstinence for those that would like to have sex but don't feel safe.