“I was comfy in there why the fuck did I have to come out?”
I wish this was satire but it’s just weirdly fetishistic propaganda. It’s not even subtle; it’s pathetic.
Oh, okay i understand now! Cheers mate!
Good catch on the typo; updated accordingly.
I didn’t say they’re the same parties. I said both right wing. The democrats are a right wing party. The republicans are…a right-er wing party determined to cosplay their way into abject fascism.
There is no true left wing party that is currently viable in America. That needs to change. The two party system is an abomination and it’s stranglehold on the country is both pathetic and infuriating.
Exactly. America has moved so far to the right that the “leftist” party is swarmed with people like Joe Manchin, and it’s presidential candidate is the author of the god awful crime bill that’s worked to imprison untold numbers of people unjustly and along racial lines disproportionate. And supports genocide. And censures it’s only Palestinian congresswoman for….pointing out the reality of what’s going on.
Lovely country. Lovely I tell you.
At least our national parks are nice.
Everything’s a wiretap!
All media will be reality tv and marvel movies and you will love it or else
Well TIL; thank you for that!
I’ve seen footage!
I’ve noticed that; I don’t know why, but recently the stores by me only have it every third time I go.
It’s not “fancy,” but Old Granddad’s Bottled In Bond is delicious. It’s just a very good, rye heavy bourbon.
I’m sorry if I’m missing something I’m the documentation, but is this feature going to be made available to those running their own Joplin server in the future?
I’m assuming there is some significant difficulty involved as it involves interaction with email (although I’ll admit that’s not a field I have any technical knowledge about).
Edit: my bad, I see Laurent himself replied to the same question on another post. Looks like the answer is it’s Joplin Cloud only!