Harsh, and not what people wanna hear. But correct.
This happens in virtual music events too. I didn’t know it had become common IRL.
It has huge pent up expectations from the community, that’s for sure.
I see everyone projecting their ideal headset onto the rumors. Hopefully it hits as many checkboxes as possible.
I accidentally watched this episode while half asleep the other day.
The SteamVR models for the Index controllers do not show the straps. So that’s possible here too.
But this economy thing is more important than access to healthcare!
Maybe we can impose tariffs on the bird flu.
Our mail carriers deserve to be taken care of.
Has this happened with other codecs?
They look a bit futuristic in a weird way, to me. I think they could end up looking iconic.
Wow, I never considered how I don’t see mail trucks posing as other things. Thats a fun fact.
It’s like never seeing old Pizza Hut buildings turned into other things.
Severance! Give that one a shot too. Season two is early next year.
I can see what you mean about Shrinking. But I’m actively trying to not be cynical about it. If that makes sense.