It happens all the time, but it's usually because I realize that either:
- I'm not as invested or informed on the topic as I thought I was and just don't have anything meaningful to contribute
- whatever joke I was writing up didn't sound as funny to me after I actually wrote it out
- it took too long to write, did some basic research and realized I didn't know what I was talking about
- it took too long to write, I got distracted by something, and by the time I got back to it I had stopped caring
- something happens to the post I was responding to or my connection, page resets/refreshes and I've lost whatever the thing was midway through, I'm not typing all that again
- realize I'm going to say something not very PC and I know the exact responses I'll get, "Nah, I don't care enough about this."
Can they actually confirm that's the same guy though? The backpack itself really doesn't seem to match up, just look at the straps.