
joined 1 year ago
[–] pHr34kY 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Printers are always horrible to administer. Brother are typically the best on Linux. I wrote a massive instructional blog a few weeks ago because it took so much work to get my HL-3150CDN working over USB. I had to repackage a Frankenstein's monster of a driver because my printer never got 64-bit CUPS filters.

[–] pHr34kY 7 points 1 week ago

Even if they do get the VBR encoding perfect, you'll still get people on bad connections that will only have a buffer underrun when a dude shows up in a sparkly suit.

[–] pHr34kY 1 points 1 week ago (9 children)

This group's activism is so tone-deaf that I'm starting to think this is actually the oil companies pretending to be terrible activists.

[–] pHr34kY 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yep. It's your car to do with it what you want. The ADRs (Australian Design Rules) only apply at point of sale. Once it's yours, it merely needs meet roadworthy requirements. As long as you keep a functioning speedo, wipers and lights, you can rip out every bit of electronics in the car.

[–] pHr34kY 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Mine was pretty good. Strangely I had FTTC for about 2 weeks and they came back to upgrade to FTTP.

I did a lot of the prep work myself to make sure it was as quick and easy for them as possible. I dug trenches, pulled drawstring through the walls etc.

The weird part was that they got 90% through the FTTP install and the job got cancelled because I already had NBN. I had to convince them it was worth finishing.

[–] pHr34kY 0 points 2 weeks ago

Vortex is written in .Net, so, yeah.

[–] pHr34kY 4 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

You've just said your 5 biggest problems with Linux are things that Microsoft did.

[–] pHr34kY 21 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

What's the lesson here? Clean your bongs?

Imagine facing 30 years for not emptying out an old coffee cup.

[–] pHr34kY 66 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

That's like, a million people's wages. Absurd.

[–] pHr34kY 1 points 2 weeks ago

The longest outage I've had in a decade is when my primary SSD died a 2 months ago and I had to reinstall using config backups. It was down for around a day.

I've thrown a UPS on it and flown overseas for a week or two. It's basically just email for me and the kids.

I've had longer outages on hosted services, TBH.

[–] pHr34kY 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I host my own mail. When it's down, the mail just gets delivered after I get online again. Almost all mail servers are configured to retry over a period of several days before giving up.

Once my health insurer sent me mail by post to tell me that my mail server was down. That was kinda funny.

Cherry-Picked Bible (
submitted 3 months ago by pHr34kY to c/atheistmemes
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