Yeah that one is absolutely my favorite, with Gryffindor as second. I do like how the translucent green on Slytherin let's you see the swirling silver inside. And just like the Hogwarts House itself, the Hufflepuff dice was...fine...
Assuming of course your train is south of the Huey P Long Bridge
Can also recommend this game, it's a cute and fun coop that can get kinda frantic at times. The kids love playing it with us
Nice! Those color charts are great, I might print them out so I can try to match the colors as I mix inks and powder.
I've got plenty of gold powder and something called copper but is actually more brown. I'll try with those, see what turns out
Interesting idea, never done this before, always interested in learning. Just watched a quick video on using blanks, you can get some pretty cool effects! Unfortunately I don't have access to blank inserts now, I suppose those could go on my wishlist ha..
Yeah but according to all the stuff I've read on various sites, each house has two colors
Gryffindor: gold and red Hufflepuff: black and yellow Slytherin: silver and green Ravenclaw: blue and bronze
I'm actually very proud if this one. I made a Kenku warlock for a one shot whose background was that he had previously been an actor in a traveling troupe that performed "The Great Wars of the Astral Plane." Being a Kenku, he only spoke in quotes from the play, which he mimicked perfectly.
For the entire night, I only communicated via Star Wars soundboard. It was glorious.
His name? Ujheddye the Fourth. "I am Uhjeddye (a jedi) my father before me."
I've got "Little Silhouetto of a LAN" and "Caught in a LANslide" for the 5 and 2.4ghz
I love this app. It's got like 3 dozen different games, all of which you can scale in difficulty, and works great offline. It is my go to bathroom diversion.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps has some great emotional moments that are complemented by a fantastic soundtrack. Learning about Shriek's backstory after being hunted by her the entire game was just too much.
Yeah I'm real pleased with the results. Took me awhile to get the process down, if I poured right after mixing the colors just sorta blended together. I ended up mixing both colors, letting the resin sit for like 40 minutes, and then pouring. Kept them distinct while still allowing them to flow well enough