
joined 2 years ago
[–] overthebrink90 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah I'm real pleased with the results. Took me awhile to get the process down, if I poured right after mixing the colors just sorta blended together. I ended up mixing both colors, letting the resin sit for like 40 minutes, and then pouring. Kept them distinct while still allowing them to flow well enough

[–] overthebrink90 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah that one is absolutely my favorite, with Gryffindor as second. I do like how the translucent green on Slytherin let's you see the swirling silver inside. And just like the Hogwarts House itself, the Hufflepuff dice was...fine...


I posted here forever ago talking about my intention to make these, finally got off my ass and finished polishing and inking tonight.

[–] overthebrink90 3 points 4 months ago

Assuming of course your train is south of the Huey P Long Bridge

[–] overthebrink90 7 points 7 months ago

Can also recommend this game, it's a cute and fun coop that can get kinda frantic at times. The kids love playing it with us

[–] overthebrink90 2 points 7 months ago

Nice! Those color charts are great, I might print them out so I can try to match the colors as I mix inks and powder.

I've got plenty of gold powder and something called copper but is actually more brown. I'll try with those, see what turns out

[–] overthebrink90 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Interesting idea, never done this before, always interested in learning. Just watched a quick video on using blanks, you can get some pretty cool effects! Unfortunately I don't have access to blank inserts now, I suppose those could go on my wishlist ha..

[–] overthebrink90 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Yeah but according to all the stuff I've read on various sites, each house has two colors

Gryffindor: gold and red Hufflepuff: black and yellow Slytherin: silver and green Ravenclaw: blue and bronze


First post here as an r/dicemaking refugee, glad this place has a similar community!

So I've got a friend who is both a standard nerd and is also deep into Harry Potter. I've had the idea to make them a set of four d20's, each with coloring and patterns appropriate to the Hogwarts Houses, and maybe make a wooden/3d printed stand to display them on.

The biggest problem I'm currently facing is how the heck to get a bronze color/effect for Ravenclaw out of ink and mica powder, but I'm also open to any other generic style ideas.


[–] overthebrink90 5 points 1 year ago

I'm actually very proud if this one. I made a Kenku warlock for a one shot whose background was that he had previously been an actor in a traveling troupe that performed "The Great Wars of the Astral Plane." Being a Kenku, he only spoke in quotes from the play, which he mimicked perfectly.

For the entire night, I only communicated via Star Wars soundboard. It was glorious.

His name? Ujheddye the Fourth. "I am Uhjeddye (a jedi)...like my father before me."

[–] overthebrink90 19 points 1 year ago

I've got "Little Silhouetto of a LAN" and "Caught in a LANslide" for the 5 and 2.4ghz

[–] overthebrink90 3 points 1 year ago

I love this app. It's got like 3 dozen different games, all of which you can scale in difficulty, and works great offline. It is my go to bathroom diversion.

[–] overthebrink90 2 points 1 year ago
[–] overthebrink90 5 points 1 year ago

Ori and the Will of the Wisps has some great emotional moments that are complemented by a fantastic soundtrack. Learning about Shriek's backstory after being hunted by her the entire game was just too much.

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