
joined 2 years ago
[–] ouch 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)


Oxenfree, the gloomy adventure game from Night School Studio, will leave indie game storefront Itch.io on October 1, according to an email sent to users who own it this week. And nobody, including anyone who has the game in their library, will be able to download it after it's fully removed.

Stay away from Night School Studio now that Netflix owns it.

[–] ouch 4 points 4 months ago

Tällaista ennakkosensuurijärjestelmää (joka muuten voi olla Suomen perustuslain vastainen) ei oikein voi toteuttaa teknisesti 1) yksityisyyttä varjellen 2) väärinkäytökset estäen 3) tietoturvaa heikentämättä TAI edes 4) itse ongelmaa korjaten.

Viimeisen osalta yksi ongelma on se, että tässä luotaisiin järjestelmä, jolla pedofiilit voisivat helposti testata, että minkälaisilla muokkauksilla materiaali saadaan läpi kaikista tarkastusta käyttävistä järjestelmistä. Eli lopputuloksena tilanne olisi huonompi kuin nykyisellään.

Mutta jos nyt rehellisiä ollaan, niin eihän tässä ole kyse lapsipornosta vaan siitä, että halutaan luoda sensuurijärjestelmä, jota eri tahot voivat sitten pyrkiä laajentamaan taloudellisia intressejä varjellen.

[–] ouch 4 points 4 months ago

Release submissions should really include a description what the project is about.

[–] ouch 1 points 4 months ago

This is a topic I would like to do something about. I'm not comfortable running games with full access to my home directory.

I hope someone with firejail or bubblewrap setup can share their thoughts.

[–] ouch 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Löytyykö kyseisten henkilöiden sähköposteja jostain helposti?

[–] ouch 25 points 4 months ago (12 children)

Wine was first released in 1993. I hope our children are there to see the take off.

[–] ouch 95 points 4 months ago (4 children)

I hope this makes it easier to do TLS sniffing and security research on Android apps. A lot of developers seem to rely on no one simply looking at how much information is exposed in the APIs apps use. Currently because it's much more difficult to sniff Android apps, a lot of privacy/security issues are not raised.

[–] ouch 3 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Samsung takes security almost as seriously as Google, but they deliberately cripple their devices when you unlock them to install another OS and don’t allow an alternate OS to use important security features

What does the crippling and security features refer to?

[–] ouch 38 points 4 months ago (4 children)

The Play Integrity API is less about security and more about Google asserting their monopoly.

They do not want truly open source Android platforms to gain popularity, because there would be a high chance people would want ad blocking, which is a direct threat to their profit margins.

I hope EU takes regulative action to force Google to allow GrapheneOS, LineageOS etc. to be able to run the same apps without issues.

[–] ouch 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Is No Man's Sky still "a mile wide and an inch deep"? What are the basic gameplay loops?

[–] ouch 7 points 4 months ago

I'm optimistic, since technical arguments can be pretty heated yet they end like this:


[–] ouch 2 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Does this require EA launcher?

And considering the guesses that delisting is imminent, can you play this completely offline?

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