
joined 6 months ago
[–] other_cat 1 points 1 day ago

Yep! That's what I figured. I don't mind. I appreciate the attention to security.

[–] other_cat 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Nothing that serious, thankfully. Just want to obfuscate my data and leave as little of an impression on the internet as I can. Good advice, thank you!

[–] other_cat 3 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I've got a bit of a VPN question if anyone wants to educate a newbie a little. When I tried a VPN (Mullvad actually!) it defaulted to Sweden but then accessing my banking information didn't work. If I switch a VPN to reflect that I'm somewhere randomly in the USA, is that still sufficient protection?

[–] other_cat 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm a Salesforce administrator.

Best Part - when I get to sit down and create a cool new feature or automation for my org, something that makes everyone's lives easier and better.

Worst Part - having to teach users the most basic shit ever, like how to make a simple report.

Special Edition Worst Part - When I know things that my senior admin should know but doesn't because she doesn't seem to pay attention to anything she hasn't directly touched, despite daily standups.

[–] other_cat 1 points 1 week ago
[–] other_cat 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That's super traumatic! I'm so sorry that happened to you.

[–] other_cat 1 points 1 week ago

The height of irony that Tumblr is better than Twitter at what Twitter was originally designed for.

[–] other_cat 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I did some digging and Ironshod is apparently Anne Stokes's deviantart account.

EDIT: Originally had been linking to the deviantart page but decided to go to the anne stokes gallery page and forgot to update the title.

[–] other_cat 3 points 2 weeks ago

Interacting with local people is definitely a good one. If there are any community events, especially recurrent ones, go there!

[–] other_cat 1 points 2 weeks ago

Mmm sasparilla

[–] other_cat 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh cool! Our town does something similar in the summer. One street is dedicated to the farmer's market, and several chunks of parking are converted to outdoor seating.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by other_cat to c/[email protected]
[–] other_cat 3 points 2 weeks ago

Paywalled. Here's the article via the Universal Summarizer by Kagi.

  • Google has experienced thousands of privacy incidents and security issues over a 6-year period from 2013 to 2018, according to an internal database obtained by 404 Media.
  • The privacy incidents range from small issues like a single errant email containing personal information to substantial data leaks and impending raids on Google offices.
  • The incidents involve Google's own products, data collection practices, vulnerabilities in third-party vendors, and mistakes made by Google staff, contractors, or others impacting Google systems.
  • The incidents include Google accidentally collecting children's voice data, leaking the trips and home addresses of carpool users, and making YouTube recommendations based on users' deleted watch history.
  • While individually the incidents may have only impacted a relatively small number of people, or were fixed quickly, collectively they show how a powerful company like Google manages and often mismanages a large amount of sensitive personal data.
  • Google employees internally report these privacy and security issues, assigning them priority ratings from P0 (highest) to P1.
  • The database obtained by 404 Media contains thousands of reports of these incidents over the 6-year period.
  • The revelations highlight the challenges major tech companies face in protecting user privacy and data, even with internal reporting systems.
  • The incidents suggest Google may not always be fully transparent about privacy and security issues impacting its users.
  • The article suggests the need for greater scrutiny and accountability around how large tech companies like Google handle sensitive user data.

I've always wanted to throw an Afternoon Tea party. Does anyone have any experience doing so that they'd be willing to share? I just want to hear the stories. I'm not sure if I'll ever really get the chance; none of my friends are local to me, so I'd probably just be hosting for my mom in law and sister in law, but a tiny tea party could still be fun!

After Market Upgrades (self.asklemmy)
submitted 1 month ago by other_cat to c/asklemmy

Hello! I have a very low mileage, but older car (about 33k miles and it's a 2011 Chevy Cruze.) I have no real interest in purchasing a new car but I do kind of wish I had some of the bells and whistles of a newer car. We have an excellent local place who can do installations of electronics in cars; I've gotten a remote starter with them on my last car and it worked great.

Do you guys recommend after market upgrades in my situation at all? If so what kinds of things you would recommend (in general or brands of things.) If nothing else I really want another remote starter for the winter, but it's been so long since the last one I had, I don't know how different they are. (My old one had a fob!)

In terms of usage, I mostly just use my car to drive to appointments and get groceries, hence why the mileage is so low.

Downvotes Galore (self.reddit)
submitted 4 months ago by other_cat to c/reddit

What the heck is going on over at Reddit with posts getting downvoted so hard? And I'm not talking about obvious troll posts, or spam, or things you'd expect to get downvoted. A lot of them are just questions being posed to the community in question. I glance into the feed and there's a ton of posts with 0 upvotes and a bunch of comments. Is this bots or is the community over there getting THAT toxic, even on the hobby subs?

New Diet (self.pcos)
submitted 4 months ago by other_cat to c/pcos

Hi all! Found this community and I hope nobody minds me striking out with the first post to talk about dieting. It's something I'm sure a lot of us have grappled with. For me, it's taken a very, very long time and a lot of experimentation. I found myself in a pretty good place for a while with low-carb and high-protein, but I've stalled out so I'm ready to start shifting into substitutions to healthier whole foods within that macro framework. First up: swapping out the no-sugar sweets for fruit. Good thing I like fruit!

Anyone else have any stories or tips or anything?


I have a 2 cup pyrex but the spout on it is absolutely terrible. I've also heard modern pyrex kind of sucks anyway, so I'm looking for recommended brands to replace it with. Any suggestions?

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