shareholders are poison to gaming
If a corp has shareholders to answer to, they will only churn out unfinished dogshit.
Very few people actually need or more make use of the power that nvidia's high end cards provide
discord also uses opus
Idealogues getting mad that their ideology is becoming less popular is both predictable and uninteresting. It's mostly astroturfing. Left vs right is a divide and conquer tactic to get the workers to not rise up against the oligarchs by convincing them to blame other workers for their problems.
Bethesda being owned by Microsoft means they're tainted by the influence of shareholders now. The decay is inevitable. Wall street ruins all studios with time.
There is no war but the class war.
The shareholders demand a return on their investment, so they demand that every game be no less than a billion dollar hit. This is where infinite growth shareholder economics gets us in the end. It is toxic to any art medium.
Why are the devs so confident that "less is more" is what the players of this genre want?
Absolute braindead idols.
looks like me and the boys are going back to teamspeak