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[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

Yes. But generally it takes long-term constant exposure to the thing they think they hate. In order to override the indoctrinated or programmed in misconceptions.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It's because as a solid minority. That is often hated in the places they once had jurisdiction for good reason. You generally don't get the chance. Or if you did, it would close you off in a tiny little Echo chamber that's already far too strong. And I say this as someone who is supportive and open towards communism and abolishing Concepts such as private property and replacing with personal property. But I am sanctially against ml communism.

I absolutely think there can be a discussion about whether or not Vladimir Lenin's Legacy on the whole was neutral. He definitely did some good things for russia. Though those same things were happening around the world regardless. So it is impossible to say that they wouldn't have happened without him. But it is possible to say absolutely that a lot of death destruction and brutality were enabled by him. And his ideology single-handedly setback discussions of all left-wing Economic Development for a century or so. Those defending Stalin Mao or even Xi today. Well I don't have anything diplomatic to say about them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The ongoing litigation against the company begs to differ. Also didn't Musk step down as CEO of Twitter a while back? It seems his tangential bullshit has quite an impact. I'll be honest I think the people actually working at Tesla do their best to try to moderate his unadulterated fuck ups. But they're not safe from it and neither is anyone else who does business with them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's not even remotely racist. One cannot be racist by simply pointing out an actual verifiable fact. Beyond a lion's share of CEOs and owners are disproportionately white. Especially when it comes to media companies. And that isn't a racist thing to say that simply an observation. To say that only white people should be CEOs would be raised. You are grasping at straws. Basically seeking and excuse to be outraged. Would it be racist for me to say that most slaves in America were and still are black? Because it's a verifiable fact. Not all were but most were and still are.

I agree you never actually ask the question. Though if you were ever to be honest you would have asked it of yourself. But you aren't being honest. You are just going around the screaming racism at facts you don't like. Quite childish.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

And that’s irrelevant. Racism is racism no matter who does it, and defending racism is still defending racism.

Racism is racism yes. But what you're pointing out isn't racism. You are accusing him of racism for pointing out the long-term impacts of The United States long and continuing history of racism. That is a completely different thing. And it is pretty disingenuous of you to imply otherwise. Further if he is part of the group you're accusing her of being bigoted against. That is a pretty silly thing to imply. And I have to say you are in wrong here.

Why don’t you first explain what white people specifically have to do with the media chasing ratings. Would black-controlled media not chase ratings just as aggressively? Are non-white people more moral on average?

He already did. Things like slavery, segregation, redlining, and discrimination much of which does still get seen today. Explains it handily.

And then why did you go on to throw up all those strawmen? None of that was anything he ever implied accused or even addressed. It simply doesn't have anything to do with the discussion. Those are all non sequiter.

Perhaps you should answer your own question. Why is it that white males are so overrepresented in such positions. I think that's the much more pertinent and interesting question to ask. And you have not answered that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

No it isn't. Naturel conservationism is about conserving nature political social conservationism often generally just shortened to conservatism is about conserving and preserving political and social power. Nothing more nothing less they are identical just about different topics.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

While that's true most people are unaware of the places actual role. In the United States at least in the police are not there to protect or serve you. They are there to protect the property of the wealthy. And not much else. They can and will kill you with impunity if afforded the chance. We need to completely reform the police. Because the problems with them stem far far deeper than their simple gang behavior. And that is a sad truth. The police are off the little more than a state or municipality in sanctioned gang.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Only if you don't consider the core tenants of capitalism. Clear cut it all burn the rest to the ground. What you missed, steal from its owner to sell it back to them at the highest possible markup. Move on rinse repeat. Fuck sustainability. Most of the LLMs have what they want. Reddit could burn tomorrow for all they care. It being around for others to use and train on only makes competitors to them which they absolutely do not want. Destroying Reddit is a win-win-win for them.

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