
joined 1 year ago
[–] ocassionallyaduck 14 points 1 day ago


They will often display prompts while driving that are on a timer "suggesting" route changes or alternates and auto selecting yes.

To abbreviate massively and not dox myself, this caused me serious financial harm as a road trip rerouted onto roads unsafe for my vehicle.

I loathe Google and many tech companies for their sheer and ardent refusal to have proper customer service, or any method of customer feedback. A/B testing will never tell you that the top navigation directions should focus on the major high numbers and road names, not what road segment you are on. I need to know what lane to be in for my next turn in 5 miles, not how many times I will fade merge between segements only to have you finally tell me the lane when I'm a quarter mile away.

Google Maps is fucking awful in so many ways that are inexcusable, and worst of all they were allowed to fucking buy more of their competitors. Right now Magic Earth is a distant also ran in this field, and due to Google's massive proprietary features always will be without support.

And I haven't even mentioned how my map results are plastered with promoted ads and locations. Which is just useless and infuriating when I am searching for a specific placename.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 63 points 2 days ago

Jesus, why not fine them 5 bucks?

What a joke.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 28 points 3 days ago

Some jackass like Musk is gonna buy it at auction for the minimum they can get away with, and turn it into XInfoWars or something, and rehire Alex Jones because "truth is free" or some shit.

There is 0 value in this as a media company, but it's always been a conspiracy theorist grift. It being resold that's really all it could be. Sadly, many in MAGA hats would love to keep the grift going.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 17 points 4 days ago

Your struggle is real. Don't give up.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 14 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Nope. I quit their Google bullshit ages ago. Moto 360 was a brutal betrayal.

Get a withings scanwatch or something that is "dumb" enough to be an excellent and nice looking watch, hugely long battery life, and has all the health features that matter.

It looks sharply professional, I charge it once a month, and the updates for it don't constantly make it run worse to push features in a different part of their product line..

[–] ocassionallyaduck 5 points 1 week ago

No thank you.

Nomura was literally the reason that vsXIII never finished, and languished in development hell for years until he was taken off the project and it was rebooted as XV under a new game director who had to salvage and reuse as much as he could from Nomura's assets and work and put out a game. This is not to trash Nomura, but vs. XIII was a concept of a game, with tech demos, it but never a game built on a solid foundation.

Nomura is talented in many ways, but he has let projects overwhelm him in the past, and seems best positioned as a producer or scenario and art lead rather than the game director.

[–] ocassionallyaduck -2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

This insane edgelord "all religion is bad so shut up about it" shit.

There a literally billions of Muslims in the world. They are not all following their cults orders in lockstep, doing exactly what is said, holding one belief.

You are vastly oversimplifying and grouping Sunni and Shia and Catholic and Protestant and Episcopalian and Jewish and Hindu and Sikh and Buddhist and Shinto all together.

None of those groups move as one within their faith. None. Scientology does. Because Scientology is not "lol religion is the opitate of the masses" cult, Scientology is a LITERAL "we keep people imprisoned and torture them routinely and steal all our members income while we take their children from them" kind of literal cult. Not colloquial. Not from a certain point of view. This is their entire structure.

The "gospel of prosperity" is almost a cult, arguably a cult of personality, but these people a literally physically free to do anything they want. They are manipulated into donating. Scientologists are blackmailed and, again, LITERALLY imprisoned within the groups of the groups facilities.

One, is a "proverbial" cult, because it is manipulating the weak minded and is very sad and wrong too. One is a LITERAL cult. And these two things can both be bad while one can be CLEARLY more objectionable than the other.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

KeePassXC you would put the sync-file itself into syncthing or something, and then KPXC would resolve changes between the sync file back to the main vault. I don't use this method directly so I might be incorrect on the details, but it is possible to setup in a device to device manner.

You keep saying external server for syncthing, but again: syncthing does direct data transfers, encrypted end to end, between devices. It does not use cloud hosting or servers. It has the equivalent of a 90s FPS matchmaking lobby, so you can find your own devices latest IP.

You register the devices with each other with their generated ID codes. Then you ask the matchmaking server when it last saw that alias. It gives you the last IP that checked in with that unique alias. It then contacts that OP, and performs a handshake. If it passes, your two devices can now sync directly. The matchmaking relay has 0 data of yours, and 0 ability to associate your unique ID with a name, hardware, or anything other than a last seen IP. When on the same LAN, devices don't even query the matchmaking relay if you don't want. It's totally offline.

If you elect to, you can allow relays to let you tunnel of you have NAT issues, and your end to end encrypted data can be synced through a relay. In those cases then yes, you are extending a bare minimum trust, and you fully encrypted data would temporarily pass on the relay's RAM. If this makes you paranoid, you can easily add a password to the sync folder itself, encrypting it unless another user inputs the password on the other end. Adding another layer if you wanted.

I just get nothing from Bitwarden that syncthing and KeePass don't offer more easily. Syncthing works for tons of devices and other purposes as well, preventing to host a password sharing only tool, and just letting you use a direvy device to device sync tool. I don't know how or why you would have vault conflicts, but it really does sound like something fixable. Running this for years and I've never run into it.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 1 points 1 week ago

This is one of the rare cases where I believe security through obscurity applies.

What is the most ripe attack target: the password hosting service with millions of user credentials, or literally some random IP address using syncthing that could be sending literally anything that you don't know is passwords or porn.

Companies like Bitwarden and 1Password and LastPass are doomed to have failures, just like any major corporation. They are too big with too much attack surface, and clearly advertise that they have stuff worth stealing.

Me? My KeePass vault is synced via Syncthing with no relay data, so it only ever exists on my phone and desktop, and is encrypted with what is today functionally unbreakable encryption. Today at least (RIP when quantum chips get good).

And my data is a blade of grass in a field. Sure there is a narrow chance someone snooping on my entire geographic area and stealing packets like the FBI could grab some packets in transmission. But they show nothing, and mean nothing. And the FBI has easier ways to get our data anyways.

Point is, I'd rather take my odds as a heavily encrypted file syncs between singular devices like a drop of water in the ocean, versus putting all my diamonds in Joe's Diamond Emporium and just hoping no one decides to steal MY diamonds when it (inevitably) gets robbed.

[–] ocassionallyaduck -4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

Oh, so Scientology is a religion and not a cult, that's your stance?

And she has the right to believe in her cult and inflict their will on others?

You are comparing a top down controlled cult doing active harm to a diaspora of various religions with various levels of commitment, expression, and potential harm.

Reductio ad Adsurdum is your fallacy. A cult is not a religion, and you are comparing an actively harmful thing, lime thumbscrews, to the broad conceptual harm of an entire concept, like screws themself.

[–] ocassionallyaduck 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

In this circumstance, you can turn on simple versioning for the password vault. It will keep both vault copies and you can merge your changes together manually in the event this happens, no loss of data.

For mobile I just give syncthing full permission to run in the background and have never had issues with the syncing on the folders I designate. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I believe this can be solved.

However KeePassXC's sync feature does sync the vault.

Syncthing does not have a server. The relay only serves to match your current client (device A) with the IP of your other client (device B). Nothing else passes through it unless you opt into using relaying in case you have NAT issues.

If you are paranoid, the software is open source and you can host your own relays privately, but again, it is similar to a matchmaking service, not data transfer.

Syncthing is a direct device to device transfer. No server in the middle unless you want it.


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