20 mil is peanuts. Selling shit to children for as long as you can is worth way more. FTC has proven that exploiting kids with gambling mechanics is just good business.
Counterpoint: I can identify which part of the UI most of those come from. This level of variety between various UI functions is actually good. I don't want the interface tabs or the settings tabs to be confused with tabs in the store, even though they are all tabs. I don't want buttons to all look the same, especially not the huge purchase button. But even accepting that as an outlier I want some buttons to be clearly part of the steam UI and some as part of the site page I am on, so I don't get confused.
When your movie is on the frontpage of Netflix with a handful of A listers and effectively "free", a half billion views is actually not that great. You were handed success on a silver platter.
Nah, they can do whatever with the phone otherwise. But we literally have shooter drills and lockdowns on the regular because we can't figure out guns like literally every other civilized nation on earth.
Not sending them into that scenario with nothing but good graces and the hope that the police don't just camp outside the building again.
In a universe where my kids are getting kevlar backpacks, you will never see me agree to this.
I will put a new burner phone in their lunch daily if it comes to it.
I have 0 interest until I hear it has mod support and they don't lock it into their "creation club" only.
Everything you listed is true of all the other companies frankly. That's just how it is. As you said, the frogs have been boiled, and Sony is almost the last to do this now. They need the analytics info all their competitors have, ostensibly. Sadly this is the landscape we are in.
Sony music, in the CD music era.
Not good or acceptable, but also kind of lime blaming Amazon pharmacy for something azon logistics does. Could not be a more different part of the company.
And rockstar games require a rockstar account. Ubisoft requires an Ubisoft account. Microsoft requires an Xbox account ... For single player games too, at least one login.
Sony is late to the game but this complaint rings hollow to me when we only target them.
They all want the social side, and to various degrees add social and other features. With varying degrees of success too.
Headlines soon: "Residents gouging landlords"
If this shit doesn't stop, that's the final outcome. People are getting insanely desperate.
Don't worry, the DOJ under President Trump wl prosecute those responsible.
Namely the reporters making these allegations.