I might've swapped auth-left and auth-right
Maybe Satan did the math and saw that having warehouses full of low grade condoms would actually result in lower pregnancy and std rates than if he had opted for fewer, more expensive condoms. After all, a barrier is a barrier and quantity is a quality unto itself.
Best I can do is ergotism
I was primarily saying to have empathy for the non-assholes who are also effected by everything the assholes do, but while we're at it, you should reserve some empathy for morons. Enough to think about and understand why they are the way they are, but not sympathize with their bigotry and hatred. The inability to think critically is cultivated. Through underfunding schools, through emotional and physical abuse, through brainwashing from childhood in fundamentalism, through lifelong propagandization and the manufacturing of consent, among many other factors.
I'm not saying it's just the far right. The blues you're referring to are still right wing authoritarians.
Thank you, I'd encourage you to continue your comment if you're still interested. I'm certainly not the best writer and it's always great to see more genuinely compassionate and progressive takes
If you feel the urge to argue for collective punishment just shut the fuck up. Saying 'you reap what you sow' in this case is regressive and cruel. Fascists enacted this law undemocratically and many people, human beings that you should have empathy for, are effectively held captive by the GOP which has heavily gerrymandered Florida and engaged in voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Think critically for a second and direct your criticism at the right people.
Seriously!? You enjoyed surfing the web? Accessing the information superhighway, a completely novel and unprecedented advance in our ability to explore what is effectively the database of all human knowledge? Statements like this reinforce my incredibly niche but deeply held prejudice against "people" like you.
unnecessary antagonism aside, people have fun learning and satisfying their curiosity, and it's more rewarding when there's less bloat to slog through
On a surface level, yes, tribalism is easy to fall into and it's important to examine your biases and reflect on your beliefs. Having done that though, it becomes clear that the Republicans are in fact stupid and ridiculous. It's easy to see that their talking points are the results of ignorance and fascist propaganda and not much else. There are underlying reasons for that of course, fascist propaganda heightens feelings of fear, anger, and resentment, and appeals to people who feel aggrieved, especially about the loss of stability, privilege, or an imagined better past. We can't do away with standards and values. We can't allow our minds to be so open that our brains fall out. Republicans do measurably, objectively far more harm.