
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

When I was younger I fell for two - baggy jeans and llamas.

I remember in 5th grade I tried to joke about llamas with one kid and show him the llama song (because he loved llamas) and he said I was just copying him. In hindsight fuck you Hans, you didn't invent llamas, you were just copying others too, you tool!

Baggy pants were regrettable too...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

Got one after the craze had died down and they're surprisingly fun - just a good quality desk toy

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

Kind of wild that in the face of competition from Discord they double down on their paid plans. I would have thought they would eventually improve their free offerings to compete for market share, but clearly they have no interest in supporting hobby groups and just want to focus on enterprise

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

This is excellent advice, thank you! I especially appreciate the video, and I hadn't even thought about framerates varying - very good to remember.

I'll look into cleaning the VCR soon. I got if off of Ebay so the odds the person selling cleaned it is 20/60, so definitely worth a shot.

Got any advice for audio that's particularly noisy, or would that be resolved by cleaning the heads


I got an Elgato capture card and a VCR off of EBay and have already digitized three tapes I've found at garage sales.

Any advice for cleaning up the image and audio? I recall there were VCR cleaners but never was confident of their efficacy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

How does that make sense? How does putting a "Download PDF" button on their site with no restrictions make this a "me" problem?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Excellent point - the fact that he is still cashing in on a (bad) book written in the 90's is absolutely wacky

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Shout out to Rich Dad Poor Dad which has never made anyone Roch in the history of its printing.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 6 days ago (3 children)

They definitely weren't monitoring the one at a time rule... I downloaded the file and now have it forever

[–] [email protected] 83 points 6 days ago (64 children)

I was looking for resources for a custom LLM and noticed they had a ton of copyrighted books and wondered to myself how the heck that was legal

I guess this answers that

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

I suspect people just assumed you were the same person who wrote the sarcastic comment before the one you replied to and that you were just being combative

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

I like to picture just a constant purring sound

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I have a four, but most are from instances I've moved away from.

Started on Beehaw but when they started defederating from everyone I made a account.

Also created a personal instance, but it was too heavy for my NAS to be worth it.

Finally, an Mbin account recently because the communism stuff from the main developers seems to be pretty contentious right now and I want to explore alternatives while I'm still happy with Lemmy. If some "event" happens and I find the need to move somewhere else its good to have an alternative in the pocket


I want to become a more knowledgeable gardener, and besides research and studying, I think a fun way to enhance my knowledge would be a fun gardening game. Are there any that are particularly accurate or relaxing?

Garden Life looks pretty chill but maybe not challenging or accurate to reality.

And to clarify, by accurate I mean you need to plant in correct lighting, water an appropriate amount, and fertilize to optimize for stems, flowers, fruits, etc.. Bonus points for having the option to pick your planting zone!


Reached 30 and the wheels started falling off. Gained 20 pounds and back pain out of nowhere, it's like a damn sitcom. I feel uncomfortable in clothes I've worn for a decade so its time to put in effort. Better late than never I guess.

I want advice on good beginner resources. I'm talking really beginner, like how many reps to do, how long between reps, what machines to hit, etc. I've been to gyms before but just kinda rode the reclined bike them made shit up when I got to the weight machines. I also am terrible at not doing too much with my back, which is almost certainly where my back pain originates from, so extra instruction on how to properly engage my core is a bonus.

The one advantage I have is that I'm very good at tracking calories. I've just gotten lazy since Covid. So I've downloaded MacroFactor to try out some new technology. I've used Waistline recently but it's just too cumbersome to add food, and I lose motivation.

Appreciate the help in advance!

P.S. the one upside to turning 30 is that I can grow a beard now. So at least I've got that going for me


Around two years ago I was on a really small team, just two or three developers, and the other developer decided they wanted us to use Rider. Because I didn't have a preference, I used Rider and rather enjoyed it. However, that developer has since moved teams and now it is just me (for the time being).

So I was considering moving back to Visual Studio or even switching to Visual Studio Code, but I wanted to see some arguments against this.

Here is my list so far, but it's probably out of date since I haven't used Visual Studio in a long time.

Pros of Rider:

  • Much faster than using ReSharper
  • Less sharp interface with a better font
  • I'm used to it at this point
  • I have a Nyan cat loading bar which is kind of fun

Cons of Rider:

  • Enterprise license is expensive (probably)
  • New versions of C# aren't immediately supported
  • Refactorings are becoming less necessary with the rise of AI assistants
  • Don't really like their source control manager

Wanted to hear what other users think. What keeps you using Rider?


Oh and banned for rule 1 if you disagree


The Praying to the Gods achievement requires you to kill the fanatic 10 times "without drinking any potion which restores prayer" and without leaving the wilderness. Simple solution is to pray on the nearby Chaos Altar or to take the obelisk down to a less busy altar near Ferox.

However, do you think the spaghetti code takes into account Stat Restore Pot Share or butterflies? Could you cheese this one with a friend?


I would recommend everyone try this. Just sit down, bend your knees, throw a blanket over, and show them the entrance. Just be warned they will not leave unless you make them

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