Mushishi, za nešto drugačije od uobičajene anime. Moja omiljena i najprijatnija.
Some people think we are stronger than Meta and their influence, which is nonsense, they can ddos all federation with legitimate trafic, let alone influence community.
A lot of people forget that they are master manipulators and have algorithms decide what is popular. Thay can easily choose what they want from fediverse and make it popular, which could lead to painting totally wrong picture of this community.
And by commercializing it they would destroy it, since they will be promoting content that generates most clicks and everything will become agresive.
That happened to all porn, it got disgusting.
I want to see real people sharing their sexuality, not people faking it for money.
I think that a lot of toxicity on commercial socian networks comes from their need to increase engagement, so they tune algorithms for that. Which is usually agresive behavior.
Just by not having that sort of algorithms we will be better.
They did say "X milions of accounts were ACTIVATED in one day", not "created".
Another thing I never see anyone in US is talking about: If US veterans need so much help (and they really do), what is happening to people in counties they were fighting against? And those are not only soldiers, but whole families. Everyone ober there has witnessed same shit they did, kids, elders, moms...
That, actually, makes sense, it never crossed my mind.
More than that, it is trackers on which, probably, no one knows how much is worth.
I think we should try with opt-in ads.
And it would be on me if I want to donate money, or via ads or nothing at all.
After that we can see if that is enough or more active approach is needed.
We can even have an opt-in for NSFW ads, which would probably make more money. Most of the time I don't mind, it is just important that I can switch it off.
Even porn looks more boring, not sure if it's just me or content really suffered from all this.
I think that is because all those sites (youtube, twitter, facebook, reddit,...) are promoting "user engagement" or whatever they call it, so they made algorithms that promote it. Of course, that means they promote toxicity and agruments, easiest way to motivate people to comment.
So the whole network becomea unhealthy and toxic.
That's also the reason I am against federating with them.
Hvala za trud, nekada sam poceo da crtam Beograd i mada sam puno grešio brzo su se pojavili ljudi koji su to ispravili i dopunili.
Mailing listu sam isto ja trazio/napravio, ne znam da li mogu i da li treba da je prebacim na nekog ko je sada aktivan.