Gotta launder that Russian money somehow. Now they can pay him more without having to make as many accounts.
It’ll probably be more like standing next to the fryer with a teenager nearby to make sure he doesn’t fuck everything up.
Seems pretty simple to me if Donald Trump says it, it’s probably a lie.
I love that people think sports organizations give a single fuck about anything other than money. Muhammad Bonesaw is throwing suitcases of money at the sports industry.
Facebook is 99% AI slop at this point. And they don’t care. It gets engagement, and that’s all they care about.
I would like to cancel this subscription. How do I do it?
Well that might just completely kill YouTube on mobile for me. The only way to watch on my phone without their ads.
I don’t even play the game but I want to give him my money for being a good dev.
Maybe don’t pay a company to install a rootkit on your critical infrastructure?
I think the best counter would be to get money out of politics. These groups and massively wealthy individuals only have power because many politicians will do anything to get that money.
Stop letting them buy influence. Make it hard to find a loophole. And actually punish people for violating campaign finance laws.
It’s be really cool if he lost his freedom for all the crimes we know he’s committed…