Interesting, thanks!
Yeah that is a good one. Though I don't know if there is another class that would have fit their category better
Interesting read! And the way they use DnD classes is very fun to me. They did the bard dirty though haha.
Elke keer weer!
I actually love the abundance of grime. I would be properly thrilled if my gm put this on the map. Great job!
A very important yhing to keep in mind when enjoying retellings. However, retellings are still very fun, and should be enjoyed nonetheless.
Thanks, I never considered modding my pedals but I am definitely up for it.
Man this is amazing, especially the speed up at the end. And Stu's throat singing is awesome
I won't love it as much as PDA but I am still invredibly hyped
The shading looks great on the bones. I love how the skulls are pretty dark.
Saruman the Silly