-something… uh…. A big number
What were we talking about again?
-something… uh…. A big number
What were we talking about again?
“P-please be gentle, Xbox-kun”
“Don’t worry, PS-chan” he caressed her cheek “it will be fine. I love you.”
“I love you too…” she softly whispered, letting a loud squeak go a moment later — her cheekbones blushing of a gentle, celestial blue
— Fuck you for making me think about this cursed crap
that would change nothing to you. Unless they are seriously consuming a lot of memory and filling up processes while not needed, then it’s fine. Otherwise it means the app was developed by a bunch of monkey, but that could happen - maybe even more likely - with native software as well.
Tldr: to the end user it changes literally nothing nowadays, to the companies and the devs it changes quite a lot. And to some degree, end-users won’t have to deal with shitty ugly apps (unless the designers are jerks, in which case you are probably working in the same company as me)
Your kernel allocates all the ram anyway lol, it literally changes nothing to you
I use both daily, never noticed a problem. MacBook Pro M1 with 8GB ram. Eight!
Making a normal app costs much more than making an electron app, so I press X
How will you know you are deficient in B6?
Acsually, modern society is more puritan than early-mid medieval
lmao, yea. Besides, it’s not like electron is that bad either. We aren’t in 1990, why would you care if electron uses a gb of ram or ten processes or this or that… they think that native means good, but more often than not native means a shitty ugly unusable application that will work (not really) just on windows
It’s technically still an exclusive if you consider windows IS Microsoft. That is, it will run on Linux obviously
If only they released it for PCs as well