Directions unclear: cannot determine which side goes towards enemy.
Just as residents in cities are progressively owning less of the land they live on family farmers are being pushed out by corporate megafarms.
lol. Listing company owners is too hard :(
Translating structured logic into spoken language is iffy. (I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself)
The code reads to match OP if stated as: "If and only if the value of 'a' equals 1 then set the value of 'b' to equal one." Placing the conditional at the beginning of the sentence maintains the correct dependency.
That's the "Worf Speed" filter. Common mistake.
Star Fleet on a chicken seat
There still being a crosswalk there is a reasonable excuse, but I think it's more simple. The less complex the traffic rules are the easier they are to build signage for, learn, and follow. Everyone stops at the stop sign. Plain. Simple. Easy. Safer.
If there's pre-hours trading and post-hours trading then it's already 24 hours. Regular people just aren't rich enough to use it.
That name sounded familiar. This does seem to be the same Alexander Pope that CGPGrey stumbled across and strayed into the, apparently, well documented feud with Thomas Herne.
The elfs are in the business of making perfect counterfeits. It'd just be bad practice not to mark them as made where the real stuff is.
Declaring a state of war is not necessary for the laws of war to apply.
I'm predicting that even more will just go to less regulated, non-US porn sites.