People can grow and change. Not saying he did or didn’t. Just saying that people aren’t a monolith. It’s plausible he just grew and his views changed / evolved.
That being said, it’s highly convenient where he’s positioned himself these days…
People can grow and change. Not saying he did or didn’t. Just saying that people aren’t a monolith. It’s plausible he just grew and his views changed / evolved.
That being said, it’s highly convenient where he’s positioned himself these days…
Especially when I hear things like “They/she didn’t ‘earn’ my vote” … like stop lying to yourself and others. You’re a racist piece of shit who couldn’t stomach having a black woman as president. So you’re trying to hide it. We all can see it, just put on your red cap or white hood and go join the others…
Why? And what would be a replacement for it?
Yeap! About 15 million of them voted by not voting 😤
They were also too scared to vote too. About 15 million of them decided not to vote this time around. 😩
Didn’t work at all for me. Tried it when stimulants were nearly impossible to get. I gave it a few months too. When I was finally able to stimulants again I was able to get back on track with things. That being said I’ve heard for some people it’s worked well. Though no one I know in person has found that to be the case, so YMMV
Restic, it has native S3 compatibility and when you combine with something like B2 it makes amazing offsite storage so you can enjoy the tried and true 3-2-1 backup strategy.
Also fedora magazine did a few posts on setting it up with systemd that makes it SUPER EASY to get going if you need a guide.
I have an ansible role that configures it on everyone’s laptops so that they have local, NAS, and remote, B2, backup locations.
Works like a charm for the past 8+ years.
For similar reasons that’s why chewing is important too.
MacOS, nearly everyone who does anything with development or ops is using a MacBook. Though lately more “normal” employees have been getting MacBooks too.
Headphones as a reasonable accommodation for a disability eg ADHD/Autism/etc might be a good option if it applies to you
The OP is in the middle, the reply is is at the bottom, and the OP’s reply to that response is at the top.
I was thinking about that or an A1 Mini