You know which chocolate disappeared then came back?
Cup O Gold, it has a creamy coconut center.
I went for something like two decades without it, imagine my surprise at suddenly eyeing it at the Fry's Electronics checkout line!
To this day, I find it at the Smart & Final market chain.
Oh, you just reminded me of one.
Back in the 90s and up until the early 00s, at diners I used to ask for a Dr Pepper and when the waitress said - "is Mr Pibb okay?", I'd answer - "even better!"
Then they changed the formula and name to Pibb Xtra or some stupid thing like that.
holy shitpost!
Yeah, but what about Kazakhstan?
It's "Loh-na", not "Lah-na", and SHUT UP!
All I know is that when matter and antimatter particles annihilate, what that usually means is that they become photons, so that their rest mass - what we usually mean when we say matter itself - is gone, having turned into pure energy, mainly gamma rays I believe.
The other part that you allude to, has to do with how at the quantum level, processes are time-symmetric or time-reversible, look exactly the same if you view their behavior forwards or in reverse, you cannot tell which way it's going. Antimatter behaves just like matter, but from our perspective like an egg un-breaking, or a car un-crashing, or an ice cube un-melting.
What's puzzling me is how photons, other bosons like gluons or majorana particles are supposed to be their own anti-particle, how does that affect their time-related behavior and interactions with themselves and other particles, I have no idea... at least not yet.
In fact, I hadn't even thought about this strange question until just now, and I love it!
MOM!!! cm0002 says we live in Andromeda, is that true?!!
Beat the cold with this one simple trick!
Bears hate him!
When ~~it's morning and~~ people are using words and expecting things from me.
What's the name of that Talking Heads compilation?
Sand In The Vaseline.
Photons can interfere creatively or destructively with each other, but they don't annihilate on contact, they do not interact with each other that way. I am also pretty sure the same applies for gluons, and I have no idea what the deal is with the two Weak Force bosons, which have mass even though they are bosons!
The Weak Force is a very, very strange, abstract, lovely thing, and if you have a coin with Electromagnetism on one side, the Weak Force on the other side, and flip it with enough energy, that's when they realized that at higher levels it's actually the Electroweak Force.
Put a monocle on him and make it The Speed Of Causality.