
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 47 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I believe Lula and his government appreciates anything that reduces the influence of the US.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

Vielen dank fürs nachschauen! das hat mich auch interessiert.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 5 months ago (5 children)

ich finde Plattenbauten eigentlich überhaupt nicht schlecht. Sie könnten eine ziemlich Gute Lebensqualität bieten wären sie nicht so verwahrlost/gesellschaftlich abgelehnt.

Das Meme wäre denke ich genauer, wenn es Gefängnisse zeigen würde

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

sollen die Dinos in dem Fall auf Mastodon sein oder auf Bluesky?

edit: Also wäre es ein Fehler von Bluesky mit dem Fediverse zu föderieren oder andersrum?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

meine Vermutung ist dass Mastodon eben halt Niche bleibt. Es ist echt erstaunlich wie wenigen Menschen es etwas wert ist, auf einer werbefreien, nicht profitinteressierten Plattform zu sein. Aber ich weiß tatsächlich nicht wie die Leute da von Bluesky denken. Deren Ansatz ist ja auch dezentral, nur haben sie ein anderes Protokoll, was nicht ohne weiteres mit dem Activitypub funktioniert.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

ja, sorry, aber dieser Umganston ist nun wirklich besser in Echokammern aufgehoben. Leute haben ja nicht nur inhaltlich Probleme mit diesen Instanzen, sie sind einfach auch extrem unfreundlich/toxisch

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago

Happy birthday!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

There is an extreme pressure for boys and men to be masculine. It is like a radio so strong it interferes with any other radio station. There is so much discrimination you face as a 'feminine' man. In this context it feels odd to say 'mind your own business'

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

So why do men look for guidance on how to be masculine? Why is it even appealing to be masculine? I believe it has little to do with the characteristics themselves (which keep changing and are hard to specify), I believe boys and young men aspire to be masculine because of the benefits you receive when you conform to these ideals. The more masculine you are, the more respect society pays you, you'll have more authority, people will find you more sexually attractive. All of these things are universally desirable, so young men will certainly want all of these things. So any kind of 'guidance' on masculinity, even if it is positive and affirmative, isn't a means for people to find out who they are, and instead it maintains a system in which men (also women, if we speak more broadly about patriarchy) are made to conform to gender norms.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Only if you broadcast your list of gender “check boxes”, and come down on others to follow them.

I think this is precisely what gender roles are supposed to do.

Do young men really pursue masculinity because it truly matches with the people they are or do they do that because of the benefits of being 'masculine'? You'll enjoy respect, authority, a certain sex-appeal, confidence... And if you challenge gender norms you'll experience the opposite. You're gonna be treated more like a women. And that's the reason why masculinity is appealing to young men. And I feel like this is fundamentally problematic. I don't think the individual traits are bad (as you said, responsibility, physical fitness etc), it is the expectations and privileges attached to masculinity.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

This performance is a huge burden for me, and also for so many other people. I do very poorly, and because of that, I am not as well respected. My life would be way better if this sort of pressure didn't exist. It makes no sense to me that I have to fulfill a specific societal role because of the gender I was born into. So I'd say yes, it very much means that performing a gender is inauthentic for a lot of people.


written by Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall


written by Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall


written by Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall.


Hi there. Things have spiraled out of control lately, I don't have a stable job at the moment and when I do, I mostly work from home.

I urgently need to establish some kind of routine and find a way to follow it. Productivity isn't even the priority as I do have a good amount of free time. Problem is that I don't use this boredom effectively at all.

I wanted to know if there are books/guides that could help ADHD people establish routines and how to keep them up. I'm autistic too, which means I greatly benefit from routine.

Thanks for any kind of advice!


I feel a little bad for asking for help again..

So I need to do something. I have no idea what though. So these are things to consider for me:

  • I prefer something regular and scheduled. My Autism needs consistency, but my ADHD makes it really hard to establish and maintain.
  • I need to get out of my home. I am withering here
  • some (predictable) social interaction is okay. If it is too much I probably won't be able to keep up. I'd prefer something with a low upfront social cost (honestly the idea of being introduced to a new group feels overwhelming)
  • I prefer a somewhat sensory friendly environment (for example the music in a gym would be really really stressful)

I would like to know what kinds of things you found in your lives that worked. Thanks!


I've spent some time reflecting yesterday and I realized that. When people want you to be confident they don't want you to be actually confident, they want you to pretend you are. It is idiotic and makes no sense, but it explains a lot of situations in which I behaved the wrong way.

confidence to me means the opposite of that. it means questioning your asssumptions, approaching things from a different angle, reflect, recalculate, asking for a second opinion. Because I'll end up with greater confidence that my assertions are more truthful. But apparently doing all that makes people think I'm insecure. Shit!


I don't know where the purpose of my life is. I looked where I last saw it and it isn't there anymore. It's like losing your keychain. All I can do is hope I forgot it somewhere at home because I sure can't go outside without it. I wanna find joy in things again, and it is so difficult to get you shit together when everything feels so meaningless.

The more I look for the keys the more I fear I lost them for good. Which makes me not wanna search for them at all and just distract myself with random stuff. I think that describes my situation quite well.

Anyway I'm sad. But I hope you all are doing okay!


I have been planning for ages to clean up my room and remove the spider but since I've been depressed and my executive dysfunction has been at work, I didn't do anything about it.

Guess what happened today - the spider caught a fly and is happily feasting right now. So turns out I haven't been all alone lately - both the spider and I have been in some kind of hibernation for some time. The spider also doesn't initiate smalltalk so I think it is fair to assume it is autistic too.

Anyway I've posted here lately as I haven't been well, so I'll just let you know that I feel a bit more positive about getting shit done and change things for the better. hugs (for anyone who wants one)!


I honestly feel bad posting here again, I feel like a burden. It's just me struggling.. so feel free to skip this post and look at more interesting things

the past two months have been much tougher for me than usual, and when I am not doing well, my capacity to interact with other people is pretty close to zero. I feel a very strong desire to be alone. Having other people notice that I am not well is pretty much the worst thing - I can't talk about what's wrong, and every time I tried my best expressing myself it didn't help. All I really get is advice that does not work for me. So I usually try to pretend I am okay, but at a certain point I can't even really do that anymore.

problem is I'm not living alone. I've skipped quite a number of meals in the past week because I don't want to get into conversations that I don't want to have. I feel like it would be disastrous unmasked, that's why I go this far just to avoid interaction. both of my roommates judge me for spending so much time in my room and I think they tell me to get out every time they see me. I never know how to react to that. Being open about my mental health isn't a good idea - it will end up in them giving me advice that might work for neurotypical, and then they'd blame me if I don't follow their advice. They already kind of do that. I've told one of them about my diagnosis but I don't really think that has no meaning for him.

I feel pathetic skipping dinner anything because I want to avoid social interactions. But in all honesty, I still think it is not worth the stress.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

apparently r/anarchism has been in lockdown for quite some time now and they link to their own reddit alternative called, which is not fediverse integrated, sadly. they also have a long list of alternatives, but lemmy isn't one of them

That seems to be the case because lemmy's main dev is a ml. (edit: meaning 'marxist leninist, apologies for not being clear on that)

It's somewhat sad for me because the whole philosophy of the fediverse is anarchistic in its core, it is how it should be, it is how the internet should work. So I wondered - what are the biggest anarchistic communities in the fediverse so far?

edit: here some context I found on raddle: 1 2 3


All code on the blendermarket is GPL. Yet, it sold over 25 million dollars worth of software. No DRM on the assets, all free software. Free as in freedom, not as in beer. In spite of that, I have not seen once anyone in the blender community complain about piracy, let alone have I seen anyone distribute any software or assets sold on the blendermarket unofficially. It just isn't a problem, or at least not more of a problem than on any other DRMed closed source alternative.

Around 10 years ago the developer of a closed source renderer called Corona ranted about Blender's GPL, as it prevented him from integrating his renderer into Blender without disclosing its source code:

Because entire Blender is covered by GPL licence, it is forbidden to link anything closed-source to it (not just commercial as in "you pay for it", but anything closed-source, which includes "it is free to use, but I won't give you my source code") [...]

We thought there were some loopholes, but it turns out the "Free" Software Foundation thought about them too and explicitly forbidden them. [...]

So, Blender has unusable licence. That is fine, any software developer is entitled to the choice of licence. If somebody wants to make a 3D studio legally usable only while not wearing underwear, he should be able to do it. What makes me angry is the whole FREE software ideology/advertisement. FSF goes on and on about "protecting users freedom". Their interpretation is:

  • being able to choose from free plugins: freedom
  • being able to choose from the same free plugins, plus also commercial plugins: less freedom.
  • Forbidding good Corona renderer integration for Blender is freedom. Allowing it would make Blender less free. [...]

I am not saying the OSS concept is wrong. There are other, much better and really free licences, like MIT/Apache/... If Blender would use any of them, we would start Corona for Blender right now. Too bad it uses the GPL bullshit. I feel bad for Blender users, because they will never have any fully-integrated commercial renderer plugin :/.

He feels bad for what? For users having a thriving software ecosystem with license that ensures it stays free and open forever? The Corona Dev wrote this 10 years ago, probably without realizing that blender was already on its way to become the most widely used 3D application. There are plenty of people making money developing comercial plugins for blender - and they are all GPL.

It makes me think about how much we all have been gaslit by the tech corporations that without DRM and that whole subscription-licenses nightmare they would run out of business. It is not true and we can point our fingers to the blender ecosystem to prove them wrong. I don't know.. I haven't seen anyone point this out yet.

I feel exhausted (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/autism

I am currently in a social event and I am too exhausted to have conversations, so I figured I just pretend I'm busy texting by writing this post. I have to stay here for at least two more hours and I have two more (social) things to do tomorrow.. one of them I'll probably cancel because it is just too much but I did not think of an excuse yet.. I feel dishonest and I really hate it, but I also didn't have really good experiences coming out as autistic.. it has never felt accomodating and often pretty invalidating. My depression has been hitting harder than usual, which is extra hard because I have to pretend I am okay just to avoid interactions I can't handle right now. So anywhere I'm not even trying to make a point here I just need something to keep be busy and not make me look weird. Anyways, wish me luck idk, I'm really not enjoying life a lot rn :I

Edit: thanks a lot everyone! I read the replies several times, it has been reassuring and as a plus it kept me busy yesterday. :)

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