Have you tried ripgrep?
This is fascinating to me. Do you have any links or suggestions for this workflow to learn more?
He doesn't talk about his resources, his influences, what makes him choose to spend his free time on these projects, and you're forgetting your experiences that are taking up the rest of your time that would've been spent on this that round you out as a person.
These techno savants are great but if you've ever worked with one on a team you realize they traded a lot of things to get that absolute proficiency.
I like to think about Good Will Hunting when feeling insecure about how "dumb" I am for living a regular life.
Ah man I thought you said it did go on too long and get bad. Show is amazing and I love it.
I agree it shouldn't run longer than they can write good content for it.
I haven't tried hard drugs but nothing else even comes close
Um Young kid is actually USB-C now and it's a mobile device 😆
Can somebody please just link the boobs
Why does this remind me of Glen from IASIP
Florida here. I don't say Coke for all soda just for a dark cola. But Coke is just the first brand I think of/want when it comes to Soda. Like the most ubiquitous.
If I want a Root Beer I'm gonna ask for that. But I'd never fucking say Pop.
I'd say Soda for the general.
I don't understand how this is antisemitism
The problem isn't that I want to be a centrist because I think it's correct. It's because this country is going to fucking shit with the deadlock on any kind of cooperation.
Constantly volleying for further extremes correct or not is why we can't get a budget approved, why even with the ACA it got stripped to fucking Bits when the next presidency swung around.
The reality is you want to be bringing in more voters by being more palatable and not pushing them away by drawing a line in the sand for EVERY single issue. No I'm a better liberal! No I'm a better liberal look at me virtue signal.
It's fucking exhausting.
That's fair