I tried, man. Everyone I messaged thought I was a bot for promotion some supposedly sketchy site.
I looked it up a while ago, and I guess someone said something in Ohio and now it's funny. Which it is, of course.
Here's a headline:
"Cheeto guy commits felony, others suffer as a result."
Now that's a headline no one expects!
I think a guy sued his job for being too boring once. No reliable source, though. I think it was the repetitive job that did something to his hand. And according to my memory, he won.
Office jobs, am I right?
Good meme but OMG KITTYYYYYY
Man, Trumpers. Hope you find a better assistant.
Or that one ea comment with like -668k points
Man, at least it's not Reddit, would have gotten like 50 downvotes
That's perfect
Wait that was the guy that said "I SAWED THIS MAJOR SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATION IN HALF" right?
They got rid of awards, probably a good source of income
I saw the image and now fish heads are in my head. Thanks a lot, OP!