Hey everyone,
I wanted to share my experience with you all.
It's strange you know. I stopped smoking in november 2018. After a lot of tries.
But there's a context. I was smoking like 20 cigarettes and like 15 joints per day for 10 years.
I had surgery (unrelated to tabacco/weed), and the surgeon told me : "There are two roads ahread of you. Either you continue smoking like you do and we can already book another surgery in 6 months. Or you stop and there's 50% chance you won't need to come back".
I was ready and stopped 2 weeks later. Weed and tobacco at the same time. I had surgery.
That surgery had a major impact on my everyday life. I could barely walk for a whole year and had to take very strong painkillers every day. Had to stop sports, and had trouble going to work in constant pain. On top of that, I started vaping and consumed incredible amounts of sugar to cope with frustration.
In the end, I did it. But as a consequence to withdrawal and forced immobility.. I went from 70kg to 90kg.
And today, more than 4 years later, I still struggle to lose those kgs. And it's so frustrating, and I'm so estranged with my new body, I started again smoking from times to times. Still resisted the urge to buy a pack, but for example, when I'm waiting for a train, I ask people for a cigarette. I constantly think about my weight.
That's.. a weird feeling, and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I used to do a lot of Martial Arts. Now I'm learning Tai-Chi and I love that. Doing a but of jump rope once or twice a week. Paying major attention to what I'm eating.
Well, here I am now. It all seems a bit ironic. But it's not all so dark. Yesterday, I picked an appointment with a dietetician. Hopefully, it will help me in this complicated moment.
I wish you all good luck !
Hmmm.. If I drop a plate and it smashes, I won't feel much. Maybe a bit pissed for 5 secs if I'm in a hurry. I'll just take another. If a friends does it, I won't react in any specific way. In both cases, there's no.. moral question involved for me, I think. Do you think there could be?
I'm striving to be as just and kind as it is possible in a given situation. And sincerely, I truly think I'm doing this for myself. Well, it's complicated since I'm also the kind of person who tries to please everyone he loves. But.. I feel my reward is not any praises, praises are bland, they don't understand what is at play. Not points but searching for the best behavior, nourishing the best ideas, giving minimal place to the others.
I sincerely think I'm not considering myself better or worse than anyone. My way is a moral one. A certain of moral, as well. So that's what I strive for. I totally admit other people could strive for something else entirely and I wish them luck in this, except if it's toxic and power hungry.
So since I very rarely compare myself to others, the question of my value compared to theirs makes no sense for me. The question of my own value to my own eyes either. I am. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, even to myself. Being us enough.
But I find your answer very delicate, wise and kind so thank you very much for writing this, truly!