NO WAY!!!! ๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง
Who tf even uses barmen I've never heard that before
! NeeD ALL of TheM !m dAmaGED ;-;
tHAnk yoU! ! dON't hAve a NaME for hER yet thOUGH :p. !m th!NKING of maK!nG !t "Maddie Brooks", A plaY on MY reAL name, bUT thAT doESn't really Feel l!KE A "reaL" trOLL nAME yK?
i moved over to after i heard somewhere that was run by a tankie and had been censoring proof of the tiananmen square massacre. idk if it's true or not, but I didn't wanna take any chances.
Inscryption is really good.
New gender neutral addressment just dropped
Overplayed country music. Now I'm not saying country doesn't have it's bangers (Devil went down to Georgia of the top of my head) but anything by Blake Shelton makes my ears bleed
what's sad is that I'm too afraid of the consequences to stand up for what I believe in :( like I have friends that say they would punch a transphobe in the face, but I held back when someone was blatantly homophobic.
I was able to hyperfocus on learning rust for 2 hours straight and even when I know it's bcs it's hyperfocus I'm still impressed with myself
Glad to know, GT:NH is such a bad virus.