
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Same experience here -- I started a seasonal character and gave up at level 12 because while the malignant hearts were a neat concept, everything else was ridiculously trite and stupid.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 11 months ago (20 children)

D4 is an exercise in how a lot of effort and a lot of thought can go into something and result in a game that's inferior in the important ways (is the game actually fun to play, is progression fun and rewarding) while also being technically superior to its predecessors -- the game looks amazing, the engine is fantastic.

I'm playing it with my wife and it's just not very fun yet. It reminds me of grinding levels in classic WoW, but without the benefit of getting new skills and feeling more powerful with the levels. I'm hoping that after some patches, seasons, and expansion packs that it gets to be a little more fun, but right now they've made leveling so slow and so inconsequential that the game is just a repetitive slog. You're not getting any new skills past level 50 but it takes absolutely eons longer to go from level 50 to 100 than it did to go from 1-50, all areas in the entire game except for nightmare dungeons are level scaled so you aren't actually getting any more powerful with each level, you're just watching numbers go up while killing exactly the same things in exactly the same way you have been for the last 50 levels.

Appreciably, Diablo 3 was kind of crap at launch as well and it wasn't until they removed the RMAH, added a new class, added adventure mode and bounties, and added a lot of seasonal content that it fleshed out to being as fun as it is now. I'm hopeful that D4 eventually gets there but man it's just not the fun I was hoping for presently.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Agreed, between the exceptionally slow indexing speed and the near arcane witchcraft required to get it to appropriately use hardware transcoding (honestly I've just given up -- everything says it should work and I've tried like 15 different things people say fixes it but it always just crashes the transcoder for me, heh), Plex's ease of use and quality of life just seems so much higher. I really want to like JellyFin!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You are correct about it being shot on a cell phone -- at present the top comment on the video is from @RickAstleyYT and says:

My wife Lene and I shot this video on a phone in Denmark, in a forest beside a beautiful beach. The song in essence is about how there is so much technology out there pulling and pushing us in our daily lives, that we need to remain human in this fast moving world. The idea of making a video simply, somewhere beautiful and real like this resonates with me, and I hope it does with you too! Rick x

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Polls are always bullshit and I swear they exist solely to instill false confidence in people to reduce voter turnout.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

^ Exactly this. I was an Apple fanboy (perhaps even shill) until the iPhone 5S when my device had a bad NAND chip causing it to randomly and sporadically blue screen and reboot (as a PC user, the blue screen irony was not lost on me) and Apple jerked me around for 3 months until the phone was out of warranty and then told me I should have bought Apple Care on the phone even though the issue started before the 1 year warranty had expired.

I didn't find this acceptable as I had written proof I'd taken the phone in to the shop multiple times during the warranty period, ended up calling their corporate office of the president where they worked with me to generate logs from the device and send them to Apple techs who would review it, at which point they came back and said "yeah it looks like the NAND chip is bad" and "but it's out of warranty". When I told the person from Apple this was ridiculous because I'd been an Apple customer for decades and I'd had umpteen Macs and Macbook laptops and iPhones and I'd never had this problem with any other Apple device (the whole point being the devices are 30% more expensive because they're high quality and don't have these types of problems), she cut me off and said "Apple doesn't have a customer loyalty program, sir." and dead-ended the entire conversation right there.

I took the 5S out to my driveway and smashed it with a hammer and went and bought a $200 HTC One E8 and I've been an Android user ever since and will never give Apple a penny if I can avoid it. The products were fine, the software was good, but the service/company is rotten.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I have to admit that as an owner of the Win1, Win2, Win Max, and Win 4, I didn't expect that I'd have any interest in this -- but something about that form factor is very alluring.

That said I'd similarly always prefer a smaller device (it took me a bit to get over how large the Win Max is, even if it's a great machine), and I don't have any need for the Oculink port as I'm not using the device as a convertible gaming rig, just a portable one...

But dang, it looks so much nicer than the Win1/2 did haha

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Sure, but who is going to hold him accountable? The justice department can't do anything when the supreme court is willing to fold on constitutional law in favor of personal interest and partisan loyalism -- checks and balances only work when they're impartial and that's just not the case right now. I definitely wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for any Trump conviction to have any actual impact.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Currently, version seems to trigger a false positive virus detection from Windows Defender -- the installed application doesn't, just the .ZIP file that contains it. As Defender is the only A/V detecting this (it detects it as AndroidOS/Multiverze), it's probably just Defender being overzealous. A ticket/issue has been created on Github by a user asking about this as well, you can see that and the current status here:


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

@Earthly3184 No way I'm aware of to quickly disable the touchscreen capabilities while in-game, but you can disable the touchscreen device in the device manager. It's not really conveniently accessible, but disabling the HID-compliant touch screen will stop the screen from registering touches.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Just makes me think of giving myself a high five. But I still do it :D

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Agreed -- especially with things like the Secret of Mana remake in the recent rear-view, sometimes it is apparent that the team updating the game doesn't understand the overall charm of the original. Here's hoping that the update is light-touch and manages to keep the charm and fun of the SNES classic, but to your point even if not, the old one is still superb when played on an emulator.

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