That IS the other name.
As a Thai food lover, I'm trying this fusion.
Nationalist by any other name?
Are there any Republicans left who are not in the Trump cult?
I listened to Newsom on Fox. I would pay high dollars to watch that debate. Or Katie Porter.
Our little burg has one person pick up the trash. Trash bins are passed out by the city. The bins are specially built for mechanical pick-up. The driver stops, the arms come out, grab and dump the bin. Then the bin is set down, and the truck continues its route.
One set of trucks are for recycle, one set are for organics to grind and compost, and a third is for trash. Our family's weekly trash usually fits in one grocery bag.
He cleans his own messes! Self responsibility! OMG.... NOOOOOOOO.
I believe in truth and that facts do matter. I also teach young people. Being a wage earner was not a bad thing, but I yearn for the freedom to live an easier life, eventually. I want that for everyone. False beliefs are traps that hold people back from being their best selves. Carry flat-earth beliefs as a core foundation and look at what differences it would make. Geostationary satellites, and all the tech jobs that go with servicing that sector, just disappeared. Ditto solar. Travel to distant places, and time zones, becomes an insolvable problem. Your co-worker is holding his life back by believing in medieval superstitions.
It is a kindness to challenge people to find what is true.
Rivers would have voted for Fang, before Trump.
As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.
Trump cannot and will not follow rules. Trump will be in solitary confinement.
I am astounded that people think that you must work for free. This is illegal for good reason. The most valuable commodity that we have is our time. It is limited for every person. My time is as valuable to me as her time is to her.
Serious question to up voters. How do you defend a privileged person demanding that time be given for free? Do you not value yourself?