I’m in manufacturing within China. While I’m not American and don’t work with American companies. Lots of our supply chain has said there is high levels of uncertainty in projects. Projects have been on hold for months.
Shhh. It reveals our age.
Showing the bank balance would give me anxiety. I’d be afraid to make it go down. (Not in a healthy way)
He’s totally showing that Twitter peaks in popularity in 2019.
Are you referring to the immediate oxidation of the outer layer when exposed to air?
Pure sodium can react with the moisture in the air. (If I recall correctly).
Aluminium is used in drink cans and is very inert. Aluminium shavings can burn though and they’re difficult to extinguish.
I’d lean towards C# with AOT compilation if you’re not using reflection, you should be ok.
At least he’s finally got it back.
BYD. Seagull or the seal. Can’t remember which one.
Embedded. I’m currently writing software with 96 bytes of RAM. My next project I get to splurge and have 8kB of RAM and 32k of Flash.
I’m more scared with how badly I’ll handle/manage the 8k of RAM.
I thought it was the 51st state. /s.