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[–] muntedcrocodile -3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Ohh great idea lets wipe all awfull people from history lets just pretend hitler didnt exist what an incredible idea i dont see six million problems with doing that at all.

[–] muntedcrocodile 18 points 1 year ago

If one corner is tighter that would seem to indicate a heigh spot on ur bed hence the extrusion is being squished into a thinner layer

[–] muntedcrocodile 4 points 1 year ago

Unfortunalty i need insta to talk to people. Wish i could kill it tho

[–] muntedcrocodile 26 points 1 year ago (5 children)

You my friend have been propagandised yourself ukraine without funding will lose. Ukraine with funding will win. Russia is doing eveeything in its power to stop funding. The narative that ukraine has already won/lost is russian propaganda to stop funding.

Grow up learn how a friggin war works and stop being a shill for russian propaganda.

[–] muntedcrocodile 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Its also works to give some satisfying confetti when u club them

[–] muntedcrocodile 58 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Finally someone with some friggin balls

[–] muntedcrocodile -1 points 1 year ago

How is it different whos blood it is being spilled. Misantropic no accelerationist for our enemies thats the friggin point what do u think sanctions are for its to cause suffering and pain in the general populus and drive unrest to tie up resources solving that problem it sure as hell aint gonna effect the top of the line big rich fuckers it exists to cause suffering of the masses.

[–] muntedcrocodile -3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Wow reverting to basless insults how mature. Innocent people will always be sacrificed its a sad reality if we dont do the same we are playing at a significant disadvantage.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Any system of power is seen as oppression by those who dont beleive as long as people can choose their flavour of oppression we should be fine.

[–] muntedcrocodile -3 points 1 year ago

Nope russian kids getting killed has to do with putin wanted to russify its citizens and kill any sub ethnicity and 911 was the smartest target for a terror attack history will probably ever see (hitting the financhial center was sending a message about the us dollars global domination through the federal reserve) this resulted in the war on terror which was an excuse to implement the patriot act (if ive ever heard a bill with a name designed so u cant campaign against it the patriot act is probably the best one yet) which was used to take away the citizens privacy in the name of think of the terrorists.

Terror attacks are exactly that attacks of terror designed to induce terror nothing less nothing more the deaths are pretty negligable in the scheme of things. Terror attacks often end up being very usfull politically to quickly move a bill through to oppress people in the name of security (hence the 911 was planned conspiracy theoryies, i wouldnt be suprised if it was tbh). This is why terror attacks in russia are good cos putin will overreact tightening the noose on the russian populus people will suffer (thats the plan at least) and it will drive civil unrest reducing their war effort.

[–] muntedcrocodile 0 points 1 year ago

A message would not be going to everyone it would exist on your homeserver and the homeserver of whoever your messaging. Second your private messages would not be public u said it yourself its called encryption if u dont trust the encryption no point using signal in the first place. Third even if it made everything public the only meta data would be that u received a mesaage from someone at time xyz (not who just someone) look at sealed sender for more info on this.

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