For people who like a concept more than practicality. There’s maybe a handful use cases that this specific device fits in that isn’t covered better by existing tech, but I guarantee if that thing actually gets kickstarted and arrives severely delayed in several years, it’ll show up in a couple YouTube videos with people sort of uncertain what to use it for, and in the vast majority of cases it’ll end up in some drawers after having been used a few hours tops.
Yet more cryptotrash.
Fenster 365 existiert meines Wissens nach noch immer. Wie verbreitet die tatsächliche Nutzung ist, ist mir unbekannt.
Yeah galaxy is sadly a bit of a mess. Back when i was still running windows it broke its own update capabilities once or twice.
Wow that is an ugly keyboard.
Yeah I am not sure what‘s up with the pretenses there, lowbrow and scatological humor has been very much Borderlands brand.
Das ist schon ziemlich lustig, ich hoffe er löscht das nicht
Das dauert dann so ein Dreiviertel Jahr bis die Bürokratie dafür durch ist.
Tried mastodon, went through three instances, at the end hosted my own single user, ultimately decided the hassle was not worth it. I would rather use nothing than mastodon.
I mean, what’s the alternative? Mastodon culturally could not get its shit together enough to be a viable alternative.
Das ist eben wie der gemeine FDPler Politik macht, auf dünnster Basis alles andere konstruiert.
Headlines. This is literally just a marketing thing, just like every other instance of the tech before it. No one is ever actually going to build this for home use