Ah, interesting. I never really got into the TikTok so don’t really have a reference point.
joined 2 years ago
I don’t actually think there’s gonna be a hot civil war but we’re definitely experiencing an ideological one.
Is this how the civil war starts? With alligators and meth heads galore?
Uh… how were they not?
Yea, guess you’re right.
Wow… just… wow. Is it time for Get the Nazis 2: Electric Bugaloo?
A subscription, perhaps?
Huh. Maybe I was shaking it the wrong way then?
I feel like I’ve been Rick rolled.
No, reality WINTER is coming.
Which country we talking here? Because some will figure it out while others… won’t.
Is this a good thing I’m looking at or a bad thing? I don’t get it but then again, I’m not a programmer.