The DOJ didn't care for the last 4 years, why should anyone else even think any of it was real? It's too late already America!
Neither does the MAGA hats. They just spin it and jerk off at a new angle, perpendicularly.
Side quest, jotted notes for another project later.
You will never witness this. God Emperor Leto is the Holy personification of Shai-Hulud and the Orange Catholic Bible is the only truth in the deep dark known Universe. The only faith humanity shall ever have constantly at its side is war.
Trump's "black jobs." We all knew what he meant.
Animal Farm in real life through every generation. The dogs on the farm were the police.
Fuck 'em right in the ass.
Buh muh rightzz!!
Fedora on kde is nice.
Or how furniture stores always have 50% off, employee prices!
Oh and the scratch off code inside the book for the online part of the course which is 30 % of your grade.... So you need to buy the book because the professors sold out on actual education and are getting a cut of the profit from the publishers.