NO and BR always have had bad crime. Seems like authoritarian ideology bubbling to the surface again.
BBEdit for me.
I tried reading one of these. Gave up when I realized it was basically a very slightly modified version of the four humours philosophy of philosophy. Couldn’t find anything helpful in it.
If that doesn’t work, restart it and then try.
Well, "generation" of carbon usually requires fusion of He atoms in a star.
When I was a teenager, I thought it was so funny that the guy sang, "Life would be ecstacy, you and me and Lesley." Took a while to realize it was "endlessly."
The racism of UFO conspiracies gets worse the deeper you go. For instance, it is a common belief that there are multiple races of aliens, but the really “good” ones are either the “Nordics” or the “Tall Whites.” They are generally described as being tall, white, blonde-haired and blue eyed.
That part stuck out to me, too. That is really terrifying.
On the other hand, that was a while ago, and we are still going…
My rough estimate is $120B. How far off am I?