Treason against who? A South African in America who has a company turned off access to Ukraine because Russia wanted it. Hard to say where that would fall in court.
Depends strongly on the community. Every sub discipline has its own standards of respectability. Publishing outside of those constraints can cause articles to be ignored.
The scary thing is that he didn’t invent that concept. It has been raging since before the Satanic Panic. He just gave those people a platform.
On my last visit to Chicago, there was a line of people waiting to get their photo taken with the Trump tower in the background. Each in turn would stand, smile, and give the middle finger.
I wasn't sure if this was true or a weird misunderstanding or conspiracy type thing. Seems to be true. Here is an accessible writeup:
Reminds me of the time I was rear ended and the guy told me it was because he was playing candy crush.
Yeah, you can appreciate that people are complicated, and bad people can create good things. If you try to only read books by people who are morally above reproach, you will wind up with a pretty short reading list.
Now that I am fully informed, I have decided to continue being a huge fan of his work. Of the authors of delightful stories that I have enjoyed in my life, this is probably not even top 20 assholery.
Apparently Trump's vp pick has a book where he discussed sex with furniture.
The error is +/- 3, do all of the states except Ga are a statistical tie in this poll.
That is so true, my fellow human who is definitely a citizen of the United States!