Goodness gracious those are some fatties!
I’ve since tried black cherry (it was great) and saw the ginger lime mule at the store, so I know what I’m getting next!
Give it a shot! Once the mushrooms are in the honey they don’t degrade, so it seems like a great way to use up shrooms that pile up after grows :)
Now we know why those Grimace meals were so expensive
I think I used raw honey as well. At least that's what the lady at the roadside stand I bought the honey at said. I've heard about the crystallization woes as well, I guess I'll have to wait and see how this stuff acts over the months! I've also heard raw honey contains enzymes that otherwise get cooked off during the filtering process, so it's better to use. Not sure why haha.
It seems like your ratio of 1g honey to .1 mushroom is pretty close my my ratio too. I'll give it a stir in another month or so and see how it goes!
John Redcorn’s gay, and I’ve been friends with him for years!
I think I wet my bed.
That's great, and especially from MSS! If one fruit pops up way sooner than all the rest, clone that puppy! You'd have some pretty nice genetics on your hands :)
You got some shag carpet growing there, Indicah!
Super cool, those rhizomorphs are reaching for the sky. What kind are these?
Oh, no, my eyes are going bloodshot! I'm going on a trip! I look like I'm doped out of my gourd!
Dental mirrors are 100% legal in Japan
A tribute to... The most frightening S ever