I think the argument is more, "Sir, I'm the manager at this Walmart and I have no idea what these people were exchanging amongst themselves in the back aisle."
Either way, double life + 40 years is a bullshit sentence for what this is.
I think the argument is more, "Sir, I'm the manager at this Walmart and I have no idea what these people were exchanging amongst themselves in the back aisle."
Either way, double life + 40 years is a bullshit sentence for what this is.
Woah, woah woah. You need to check you facts on this one. He was not sentenced for trying to have people killed. He was publicly accused of murder for hire, but not charged. He was sentenced for running a website and the judge wanted to "make an example"
By all means link me a source that shows he was convicted of murder for hire if you think you can find one, but I can already tell you that you can't.
It wasn't meant as a lecture for you. I made no assumptions about what you know, just what you said. The lecture was for others coming by your comment because lots of people don't know the dangers of keeping crypto in exchange wallets.
Apologies if I offended you.
Are there crypto scams? yes, and plenty of them. Can you buy drugs with them? sure (and I thinks that's great!) Do either of the above statements get at the core issue here? not at all.
The issue here is not with the crypto itself. The issue here is the same issue that is regularly a problem anywhere software is deployed, digital security. The take away here is that many (all?) crypto exchanges are failing to properly secure their systems. Which is why the general rule that anybody investing in crypto should follow is never keep crypto in an exchange wallet unless you plan on trading it in the very short term. As an extension of that rule, you should never keep your crypto in a wallet that you don't hold the private keys for. If you don't have the private key for the wallet, it's not your wallet. Not your wallet, not your crypto.
...and pair that with "this is what you voted for when you voted third party or stayed home, to say nothing of directly voting for this mess,"
Lol, if that's the approach the Dems are going to go with, I hope you loooove the current Republican regime. Attempting to shame people into voting for you is not likely to win much support.
Well the wheelchair seems like a dumb idea. That will only make the stairs more difficult to deal with.
Or they could have addressed both fentanyl in the US and the cartels in Mexico by just agreeing to end the war on drugs...
Does this bit not seem questionable?