
joined 2 years ago
[–] miak 1 points 10 hours ago

I sure did! There's nothing finer than authentic Bulgarian Miak.

[–] miak 13 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

Lol, yeah I followed this trial as it was happening and I remember them bringing up this bullshit accusation, but then never actually charging him because the charge was exactly that, bullshit.

Meanwhile at the FBI during the investigation: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-silk-road-task-force-agent-pleads-guilty-money-laundering-and-obstruction

[–] miak 1 points 1 week ago

Help us, Han-Tyumi, you're our only hope.

[–] miak 24 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I love a bit of Bull Yogurt to garnish my Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Edit: would be fun if a restaurant serving Rocky Mountain Oysters would provide the names of the bulls that provided for my meal.

[–] miak 1 points 1 month ago

I like this. I imagine a federated store front instance that a store could run. It would need to be highly customizable as far as how it looks, but have standardized tags for data (like Brand, Price, Discount, etc) so that information could be organized consistently. Then you have apps/websites you use to aggregate the federated store fronts into a digital mall. You have one shopping cart provided by the aggregator app/site, and the aggregator app/site could store your shipping/billing info to automatically feed to each store front you select items from when you go to check out.

[–] miak 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Now what would REALLY be a game changer is a federated shopping platform.

Like an internet mall! That would be really cool...this seems so obvious, surely it's been done and I'm just completely out of touch with the world?

[–] miak 3 points 1 month ago

I'll second this! I believe Joe Bob Briggs featured this movie in an episode of The Last Drive-in sometime in the past few seasons. Always worth checking out Joe Bob's presentations if you have access to Shudder.

[–] miak 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It sounds like we're largely in agreement. Absolutely, you want to tackle the issue at the source. I don't see how one hopes to accomplish that without empathy. Understanding those racist 'losers' is how you begin to understand how to tackle this at the source.

[–] miak 4 points 2 months ago

Fear is often a motivating factor in a person's choice. This was equally true of the left and right in this past US presidential election.
I haven't seen any evidence that fear is a value that most people hold though. The source of their fear is concern over the things they do value.

[–] miak 3 points 2 months ago (4 children)

There's those broad strokes I was talking about. I appreciate you providing an example.

Refusing to empathize and understand how people arrive at their views in favor of this kind of prejudice will never contribute to positive changes.
Yes, the best cure to bigotry is love and compassion. Love and compassion start with empathy. It's easy to empathize with those that think and act like you do - it can be difficult, but all the more important, to empathize with those that don't. Refusing to do so only ensures polarization of society and a perpetuation of the cycles of violence that permeate society. This is something that has become all the more clear with the rise of social media and the info bubbles they trap people in.

[–] miak 8 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Often when I see someone accusing people of voting against their own interests, it's pretty clear that the person making the accusation has not taken the time to understand the values others are basing their choice on.
If I could rob a person and be confident that I would never be caught and punished for doing so, am I acting against my own self interest if I chose not to rob them because it goes against my moral code? No, of course not. But based on the way some people talk about voting against ones self interest, you might think I just cheated myself out of free money. Is it possible that a person might "vote against their own interests" because of a misinformed view? of course, but you'll never understand a person's motivations by chosing to paint them with broad strokes based on your prejudices instead of getting to know them individually and trying to understand what it is they truly value.

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